Ok so a couple of times in a lucid dream entry I heard what sounded like really loud huge plane engines roaring in my head and I think in this dream as well like my whole bed was vibrating a lot. I thought I read that this was when some people open their eyes in the dream only to find a huge scary creature sitting on their chest and the dreamer is paralyzed and can't get away. I however chose to not open my eyes during this point in the dream and just wait until becoming lucid. This seemed to work and in a few seconds the loud noises would lighten up and everything got quiet and that is when I would open my eyes and there would be my dream scene, and I knew I was dreaming. Oh and I always know I am lying in my bed when My lucid dreams occur or most of the time that is where I start out. My question, I guess, was the first part of that sleep paralysis, or was I just entering a lucid dream or maybe both or maybe something else?