I had a non-lucid dream last night.

I was at the supper table when G asks me to say grace this time. I agreed, then was struggling to remember how it starts off. M notices that I'm struggling, so tells me to "just say the first part." Still unsure how it started, G hints, "Bless us, oh Lord..." I then remember how it goes and say, "Bless us, oh Lord, for these gifts for which we’re about to receive… from--", and laugh, forgetting how it ends.

I was unfamiliar with this particular grace, since I've only heard it a couple times. In my dream I was legitimately trying to recall how it started, and was given a hint by a dream character. The alternative to this in waking life would've been me trying to think how it started, and then after pondering for a bit (probably the same amount of time I was thinking about it in the dream), it would just occur to me. The difference is in the dream I was told visually by a dream character.

This was a very interesting dream, worthy of recording in my dream journal.