I want as many people to see this as possible, I may even post this at ld4all. I want to try to form a profile of people who can lucid dream very well. Like maybe they are doing something that they didn't realize had any connection to their dreams. Let's start with some basic information. I'll fill it out with my info and you can copy the form and replace it with your own. If something is to personal or you dont want others to know, you are not obligated to answer everything. This is just out of curiosity is not in anyway scientific. My hypothesis is that diet or exericse may effect it as well as types of interests such as people who are more math oriented versus creative people like artists and writers. I really hope to examine the profiles of those who are veterans to lucid dreaming. Hopefully we can all learn something and try different things.

To clear some things up. For "Average Dream Time" put the time that it feels like you spent in your dream. Obviously it isn't going to be the same as real time, but you can tell when it "feels like" you've spent 10 seconds or 10 minutes in a dream. Also, even if you are still a beginner, I still value your input. Finding connections between beginners and moderate dreamers is just as important as the experts.

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: White (American)
Political Standpoint: Moderate Conservative
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/Straight
Average Sleep Time: 8-10 hours during the night
Sleeping Disorders: Depression used to cause me to sleep 16 hours
Medication/Vitamins: 150mg Welbutrin Daily
Mathmatical Ability: Very good at math and computers
Creativity: Horrible artist and I don't play any instraments or do any writing
Mental Activity Level: Still in school and do programming
Physical Activity Level: Almost never exercise
Spoken Languages: English, but I am enrolled in a Spanish class in high school
Stress Level: Fairly low
Friendships: small number of friends whom I am close too
Time spent socializing: maybe a couple hours over the course of a day
Normal Dream Recall: Once every week or two
Lucid Dream Recall: every couple of months
Average Dream Time: Between my short and long ones, maybe 2-3 minutes overall
Diet: pretty bad, lot of fast food and soda
Prefered Genre of Music: Rock
Time Spent Listening to Music: a couple hours daily
Wierd Habbits: Not really. Examples of this would be biting your nails or popping your fingers. I do that stuff, but not often enough to call it a habbit.
Primary reason for LDing: Mostly fun but maybe to see if my subconscience can solve my waking life problems
Favorite Color: Blue
Normal Mood: Content. Not really happy or sad, kind of middle of the road.
Mood of Others Around you: family is angry more often and friends are more social
Caffeine Intake: I drink a lot of soda
Rank: Beginner (rank your self on dream control, recall, and vividness)
Other: feel free to add any other categories I missed.