
Before I had even heard about LD I always had pretty good dream recall and would have at least one dream I remember each night.

Ever since finding out about LD just over a week ago, I have had one extremly short LD, my first one, and now my dream recall is terrible! I have been keeping a dream journal but I cant remember any dreams.

I keep falling asleep too quickly aswell. I dont get a chance to try some techniques all the way through because ive falled asleep!!

I really dont know what to do, my life style is the same as it was before I started LD so I cant see why is all going wrong!?

I am very regular with going to sleep and never normaly have trouble waking up in the morning, but I have noticed that i have been waking up in the middle of the night (which I never used to do) Sorry this is starting to drag on....... Also I have hardly had any sleep paralysis since trying to LD. Could it be that since trying to LD is has thrown my sleep patterns right off course!

Any help??
