yesterday, I take

50mg of b6
3 capsules of ZMA (zinc, magnesium + b6 equivelant to 13.5mg)
3 crackers with blue stilton
50mg of diphenhydramine hydrochloride and then sleeping 3 hours before usual sleep.

This combination led to a terrible terrible nightmare, where to begin

Imagine living a normal life, a sort of normal life, when I discovered that my mother is secretly creating a super virus to destroy the world and has converted my brother on the act too. It made things quite tense, then imagine that virus did spread, some one injected a 'chip device' into my hand when I was pretending to sleep because I was scared my mother would kill me, so I had a needle stab me from another black tinted car, but this is logically impossible as Im still thinking 'im in my room'. You wake up and the world has turned into some post apocalyptic nightmare, where there is zombie after zombie attacking you, all corners, children eating over children, people with heads turned upside down and walking around. a weird name 'Lorraine Luricef' kept popping up on signposts (I later woke up and realised the acronym at the end). Then after a day of trying to literally stay alive at all costs, I ended up sleeping and i realised my brother brought some girls to have fun with. He said he had a girl for me, she looked really beautiful and I had sex with her for quite some time, until nocturnal emission. To my horror, she turned round from the back of my head and it turned out she was a decaying zombie corpse and she gave an intense laugh. I pulled out and ran out of the house, when I found it all snowing and mysteriously everyone was celebrating christmas, I then talked to a Roman on the street about democracy. Posing the question 'Did democracy start by one person, or was it a heritage already known for generations but silenced?'.

Blue stilton is scary...