Last night at 5:07am I was still up (which isn't unusual being it summer and all) so I start meditating. I had an idea -an experiment- I thought to myself calmly
"'okay, it's exactly 5:07 right now, I want to open my eyes at exactly 5:30, that's in exactly 23 minutes" so I face my clock, (any other time i would face the other direction) close my eyes and meditate as usual. Focusing on other things I forget about my little experiment. Then when I finish, I open my eyes, see my clock reading 5:30 and remember what I was trying to do...wierd I hadn't opened my eyes at all while meditating.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, often wake up just minutes before my alarm is set to go off and a couple times I forgot to set my alarm I have woken up just when I wanted to.
has anyone else experienced something like this?