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    1. #1
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    2. #2
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      He talks about DMT and REM sleep like it's proven that the pineal gland discharging DMT causes very intense dreams. That hasn't been proven at all and I very much doubt that's the case. It is possible that natural discharges of DMT are related to near death, out of body, and alien abduction experiences, but again that's something that hasn't been proven, not by Rick Strassman or anyone else.

    3. #3
      SKA is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by SoulSearcherX View Post
      He talks about DMT and REM sleep like it's proven that the pineal gland discharging DMT causes very intense dreams. That hasn't been proven at all and I very much doubt that's the case. It is possible that natural discharges of DMT are related to near death, out of body, and alien abduction experiences, but again that's something that hasn't been proven, not by Rick Strassman or anyone else.
      Yeah I know. It's often been SPECULATED. And allthough it has not yet been fully scientificly researched and verified I do believe that DMT is released from the Pineal Gland causing such a Psychedelic experience full of immersive powerfull hallucinations as: Dreams. It's a Hallucinogenic Trip isn't it? You're asleep in bed yet you experience being somewhere else where the most bizarre things happen and anything is possible. Look at your eyes and brainfunctions suddenly tripping hard as you enter REM-sleep. Think of the Realistic Hypnagogic Voices you hear as you're close to falling alseep. It's been proven, I believe, that Schizophreniacs have significantly higher levels of DMT being produced by their Pineal Glands. They're therefor basically constantly tripping on DMT:The brain's natural hallucinogen.

      The trip reports of smoked DMT and brewed DMT+MAOIs (Ayahuashca) generally all sound very familiar to the Psychedelic Birth experiences, near death experiences, schizophrenic hallucinations (Hypnagogic voices?) and off course Dreaming. These are all different interpretations of the same naturally occuring DMT-experience I think.

      Does anyone here know any good Scientific Reports about DMT-levels in people who are Dreaming?
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    4. #4
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      Dreams can't be DMT produced for one reason, the pineal gland can only produce one chemical at a time(either melatonin or DMT). Which means that when your in your deepest state of sleep and most heavy REM period you are at your melatonin peak(Arround 3am, depending on your sleep schedule). So at that point in the night you won't produce DMT, but you will have dreams.

    5. #5
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      I read Rick Strassman's book and other accounts of DMT trips, and one of the common things that people who experience it say is that it is NOT a dream, or it is not dream like. Strassman wanted to interpret the experiences as dreams early on, but his subjects always balked at the suggestion. From my own personal experience with lucid dreaming, I don't think I'd ever say that about a dream. DMT seems to produce images and experiences that are not coming from the trippers brain or psyche... at least that's what the people who have used it have said. Where as anytime you are aware that you are dreaming and consider it, you can always determine that you are dreaming and the experience is a product of your own psyche. That's why I doubt there is any connection between DMT and dreams. Strassman never suggested that DMT is related in any way to dreams, so I don't know where Rogan got that idea. He does correlate it with near death and alien abductions experiences though.

      I don't think there have been many studies done about natural discharges of DMT. Stassman's study was the most intensive on DMT but those were induced intravenously. It is something that would be worthy of study though.

    6. #6
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      dude i just tripped out listening to that..not literally but damn, makes you think....

      Ps, never knew Joe Rogan was a druggie...
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    7. #7
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      DMT is a very interesting hallucinogen. Rogan talks about being transported into another dimension in a very literal way, and you might think that is a unique interpretation, but it isn’t. Nearly everyone who uses it describes it in almost the same terms. Many of them really believe that is exactly what is happening to them when they use it. Of course it’s easy for people who haven’t used it to be skeptical… I suppose we’d have to experience it for ourselves.

    8. #8
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      Thank you, I have been looking for that audio clip for quite a while.
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    9. #9
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      man thats some crazy shit. i wish i could get my hands on some of that stuff man....
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    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by nameless;
      Yeah I know what you mean. It's like when someone who's never done mushrooms before asks me what it's like. I could try and put the experience into words but the only way that person will understand is by experiencing it themselves.

      I've read lots of trip reports about DMT on www.erowid.org/experiences and the general description involves going into another dimension.

      Ofcourse "skeptics" just say that you're fucked up and it's all the drug. The way I see it is that the DMT takes your mind somewhere. I'd really like to try it but at the same time I'm scared of it. It's not like I couldnt get my hands on DMT in my area anyway.
      One thing that supports the other dimension theory is that some quantum physicists are coming around to supporting the theory that such a thing exists (without the use of drugs). I'm no physicist but the best I can explain it, they've come up with the theory for parallel universes to explain dark matter, which they know exists because it has a gravitational pull, but it has no other detectable characteristics. From what we can perceive, it's nothing save for the gravitational anomalies it creates. Then there are other things like the two slit experiment... I'm not even going to try and explain that, just click on the link.

      These scientists wouldn't jump on board with the idea that smoking or injecting DMT would allow people to enter these parallel universes or dimensions. Most of them think you'd need to harness the power of the Sun to actually enter another universe. But what if it is as simple as altering our ability to perceive, either through natural methods or psychoactives like DMT? People in the metaphysical community and before that, indigenous shamans have been talking about this long, long before theoretical physicists chimed in.

      I suppose I'd do it if I had the chance, but I'm not actively seeking it out. A friend recently told me he had a friend who had some. I went ahead and put it out there that I would like to try it, but apparently it was all gone. Mostly I'd do it just for the experience, and then only once. It's hard not to be intrigued by the possibility of entering another dimension for five minutes. But you're right, it can be pretty scary so you don't want to do it lightly.

    11. #11
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      That was a great clip.

      Thanks, nameless.
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