Well, I'm sure you know that Leo and other people have been talking about your higher dream mind, which likes to stay in control and therefore tries to prevent lucidity and control while in a dream. Well, my higher dream mind hates me, and loves me at the same time. It lets me become lucid often (hence my high DILD count) since I've been learning to LD, but it won't give me much control, only basic summoning skills.

And now look at at my cousin, Jordan. He is 3 years younger than me, and is a lucid natural. He is lucid in 100% of his dreams, can incubate dreams simply by thinking about what he wants before he goes to bed, and can exert full control in his dreams.

My question is, why does my cousin and other naturals get the privledge of having the higher dream mind let them become lucid and take control, and stop non naturals from doing it, if we are going to be doing the same things in the dream?