I had a really complicated dream last night, but here's what happened (the part that the 2 reality checks fail is in red)

I was in a big park on a school field trip. Me and this other girl found a small place surrounded with trees and in the middle was a little pond with toy boats on it. We found an opening in the trees that led to another more beautiful pond. We saw some annoying kids coming and we didn't want them to see the new pond we found so we climbed through the trees to get to the other pond. The other pond was really beautiful. the rocks around it had holes in them and i was thinking "I wish i had a camera"

Then every thing changed. The rocks went away and the pond (and us) were covered in a room with windows and wood paneling. We were on a boat and we had life jackets on and where we were was slanted at a ~45 angle. we started to climb up and when we got to the top of one of these "rooms" there were 2 pillows (for lack of a better word) that had a zipper in between them. We kept climbing up and through the "doors" and when we got to the top one we rested for a second and i said "Ladies first" and she went through the door. Then i unzipped the zipper and i thought that this was tight and i finally got out. The girl was gone.

I was in a boat and it was eerie because there were cleaning supplies there and it looked like someone was cleaning and never finished. Then i went into my house and nobody was home (which isn't weird) i got on my brother's computer and then he came into the room and was amazed to see me because I had been gone for months.

Now it was Halloween and my friends and I were going trick or treating and we were at my school. I don't remember what any of us were dressed up like. Then a conga line of trick or treaters formed and I told my friends we should go across the street.

Then we were on bikes at the intersection that leads to my school and we were waiting for the light to change and i was i was telling then what had happened on the boat. thinking about how much candy i had gotten when i said "Why are we trick or treating in December this must be a dream!" MY friends said "No it's October. Remember you went missing for months". I tried the reality check where you try to stick your finger into a part of your body and i tried my palm which is what i normally do and i couldn't push my finger through my palm so i did the text one.

I saw a sign that said "Centura lux" and i closed my eyes and when i opened them the sign hadn't changed. Then one of my friends dropped her cell phone (which looked more like a pink PS3) into traffic and one of my friends went and got it and it was completely destroyed.

I was then at my house again (which had somehow changed into a huge mansion) I was then tell my family what had happened on the boat and my brother was talking about cameras like normal and my mom told him to shut up. I then woke up.

Weird how both RCs didn't work