• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Northern Sweden
      I had my previous lucid dream one night ago:

      I was in some house close to a river without any clothes on, and some weird-looking monster was chasing me. It scratched my leg so some blood started pouring, and naturally feeling very uncomfortable with nothing to cover my penis, I started to run down towards the river. When I was there I started to zig-zag jump down the river, until I reached some other place. The monster was still bugging me, so I turned around and split him in half, then kept going.

      Now I met a hot girl. Being horny as I am, I grabbed her ass, and took her into a toilet to fuck her. I turned away from her for a second, and when I looked in a mirror she had turned into that annoying pale white little asian kid from the movie "Grudge 2". Being pissed off I grabbed it and started to slam it into the wall repeatedly until its neck was broken, then I threw the body away out of a window.

    2. #2
      WOOOOAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! Elwood's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      AIDS ,CA
      Can you say, BRUTAL!?!?

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      lol, nice LD, you showed that monster lol

      oh, and maybe you could have just made the asian kid turn back into the hot woman, snapping its neck and throwing it out the window was a bit harsh, then again its only a dream

    4. #4
      Member krookedking's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      south of france
      Yeah....a bit brutal.....
      In my last one (or should I say ones, because they come in group...) I didn't have much control, but I remember checking three times my watch and the time kept changing....that was a week ago
      Getting back to LDing

      -This can be a dream-

    5. #5
      Member screamation's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      New York

      In my last lucid dream (last night, Wooo&#33 I saw some kid I know from school and he seemed like he actually had a brain and he was like staring at me all confused after I did some laughing at DCs telling them they weren't real and he looked all surprised. So I went over too him and he said "You know this is a dream right? MY dream. Your not real, I am!" and I was like "Shit. You're having a lucid dream too?!" And we started to talk about lucid dreaming and how odd it was that this should happen because we barely talk to each other in real life. O.O I'm not sure if it was real though, I'm going to talk to him tomorrow.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Northern Sweden
      Sounds pretty interesting. It was probably just an DC, though.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Northern Sweden

      I just had a hilarious dream:

      I was talking with a dream character looking like a guy I know in real life. I explained to him how pain can be easily avoided in dreams as it is just a result of the central nerve system sending pain signals to said area that one thinks hurts.

      I told him to hit me in the head with a shovel, to demonstrate I can feel nothing if I wish. He hit me in the head with the shovel a few times and I felt absolutely nothing, and after that he started to talk alot. I wanted to say that it should be possible to avoid pain in real life aswell and even manipulate the feeling of touch through the central nerve system, altough it would be more difficult than in dreams, and I was about to bring up a documentary I had seen in which a woman had felt pain only as a result because of the central nerve system, not any bodily harm at all, but he kept talking nonsense.

      At this point, I became really pissed, grabbed the shovel and hit him in the chest. He fell down to the floor and looked afraid. I said "you piece of shit, listen to what I have to say or I will decapitate you with this shovel." Now he became co-operative and I explained my theory fully to him.

      After that I went after a good-looking girl I saw. I followed her and lead her to a sort of dye pool. We went into the pool, and I told her to give me a blowjob. She was rubbing and sucking my cock for a while and it felt really good - even better than it usually does for me in dreams. It was probably a result of me being aroused at the time.

      I didn't wake up from it despite the arousal, and eventually it switched dream scene. Now I was at a large apartment building with a friend and two girls I know from school, not fully lucid. I told them I would jump ~60ft up into the wall with my feets first, then bounce into the sky. I did that and bounced into the air. When I was up in the air I began flying and went back to them. Now my friend jumped high into the sky - altough far more clumsy than I did - to show he could do it aswell.

      Now I decided I would jump into the wall again, and see how far I could bounce away. I did so and bounced really far away, to another city a few miles away. I went through it but saw no people, so I decided to fly back to my friend and the two girls. As I was flying over the city, it switched to another dream, which I can't recall much of, except that I wasn't lucid and some annoying bees were chasing me in a large mansion.


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