Last night I decided that I was going to give a go at learning lucidity, so I stumbled upon this page and read it, Set my alarm clock and went to sleep. I woke up before my alarm, wrote down the small, vauge dream i had, then went back to sleep. And then it started getting wierd. I started dreaming, and of course, didnt think to look for any signs so early in the process, though in retrospect there were plenty of things that werent quite up to par with reality. Then suddenly I was walking along a path, and this voice in the back of my head whispered, "Hey, youre lucid! jump around a bit!" And I jumped around a bit, And climbed higher in a way ive been able to do in semi-lucid dreams ive had before starting my dream journal. And then I was distracted. Not a normal distraction like being late for the concert that was going on, or someone distractiong me, No.

I Was distracted by a false awakening of me writing down my lucid dream in my dream journal. This might be a bit tricky, if my subconsious is going to play games with me like that. In my dream I went back to sleep, and resumed the dream where it was before I became lucid. When i woke up (didnt think to do a reality check until just now, oops! XD Definatley awake) I looked at my dream journal, knowing that id been jipped, and of course, only the first dream was there.

Sigh. Give it another go tommorow night.