I've been having LD's much more frequently now, once a night or so. I had an LD last night and I was in my school. I did an RC (the finger one) and became lucid. I saw a person standing at the end of the hallway and tried to shoot fire at him from my hands, but he just burst into flames instead. Some kid (I know from school in real life) was walking with me and said "Cool" and I said "Yeah I know. The only reason I can do that is because I'm dreaming" I thought for a moment and stepped in front of him and stopped as a question came to mind. I asked "Speaking of which, who am I?" If you do the "task of the month" you should know this oldie. He replied "Robert Haybe". He got my last name wrong (Hayes), but what got to me was that I wanted a response better than a name. Some spiritual sounding response, like some of the other stories Ive read about. But what happened later is what Im curious about. I asked my chemistry teacher "Where am I?" (another task of the month) and she replied "I understand what you want but another time I'll tell you". Is it possible that your mind might not be ready to tell you certain things about yourself, or was I not firm enough. Perhaps I could have asked someone else and threatened them if they did not answer, but this was only an experiment to see what results would turn up. Anyone have other good ideas to do when you're lucid? or possibly a way to get DCs to answer simple questions w/o me having to waist time busting heads to get answers.