I stopped doing the whole lucid dreaming thing, i could simply not be bothered any more it wasn't rewarding enough...
Yesterday night though i had a WILD, i couldn't sleep so i turned around and was lying on my back, i was thinking of old memories of me with my grandparents in Italy, and was really focussing on the senses (the smell of the sea, the feeling of my feet touching the warm sand) i also fell some emotions almost abit nostalgic, until my body went numb and i heard this terrible sound, i knew what i was so i remained calm then i did something stupid i opened my eyes way to fast and i wasn't yet in the so called dreamworld, i had a very short fucked up lucid dream where nothing was on his place and there was something hardcore fucked up infront of me, i tried and make my dream more clear by rubbing my hands but this didnt work that good and i simply woke up..
I love the mystery around lucid dreaming i just wish it could be more easy for lazy people like me lol
