I've never willingly done a WILD before, I've done them spontaneously long before I knew what they were. Often, on days I have off and I can sleep in, I will feel the stages of WILD without willingly starting them. I remember very well the first time I entered a dream from a waking state, without losing my consciousness. I closed my eyes, and bam, I "fell" into a dream, and woke up within seconds because the feeling freaked me out.

I just got out of bed, after several times spontaneously starting WILDing, but stopping myself riight before I entered the dream because it's freaky. It felt like I had goosebumps in my scalp, my head was tingly, my heart rate went up, and stopped feeling my body.

Am I the only one who is freaked out by WILDs? It's unfair that I can have them even when not meaning to, and others are struggling to have them and would love my "problem". Is there any way to overcome this fear? because they have so much potential.