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    1. #1
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      Lucid Dream Memory

      Last night, I had a dream about a huge party at my house. Some people were playing a video game I had seen in a commercial called Super Smash Brothers. I was watching them play, and commented to my friend, "Geez, this doesn't look anything like the commercial. The art direction is totally different, different characters, different color scheme." I just went on with the dream.

      Later in the dream, I was in my front yard, and noticed sculptures that were out of place. This tipped me off, and I became lucid. As I was cruising around, I thought, "This explains why that video game was all screwball. It's a dream version of the real game."

      As I remembered back to the game, the dream transitioned into the game. It was like I was sucked into the memory I was having. As I pulled up the memory, it became real, and traded places with the scene around me. One minute I'm in the kitchen remembering a video game. The next minute I'm in the video game, remembering the kitchen.

      I've had this same problem trying to draw in dreams. My drawing will become real as I am making it and sort of suck me in. I wonder if your brain has trouble visualizing and fantasizing in a dream since the dream is a fantasy to begin with.

    2. #2
      Here, now Rainman's Avatar
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      Wow that's very interesting. I think you get sucked into the previous memory because you subconsciously expect to, and that is only further re-affirmed when it happens, so then you expect it again. Wow that was a redundant sentence, but it's to say that whatever you expect will happen.

      I also find that in addition to noticing that the sculptures were out of place to get lucid, you can also use the altered memory to also get lucid. Sometimes it's hard to realize that the memory is different while you're in the dream. I once dreamt I was in the Goldeneye 64 game- the facility level. But it looked different, but in the dream it all made perfect sense. Dream logic is fascinating.


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