I woke up from a previous dream, wrote in my dream journal, and when back to sleep. I was in SP, a dream started and i knew i was in a dream, the grudge appeared, i tried to wake up, i got out of the dream but i was still in SP. I started to dream, this time i tried to change the scenery. The grudge appeared again, this time i punched it in the gut (usually i have super-strength)....Nothing happened, and i was in SP so i couldn't fully wake... I changed the scenery again, this time i was sky diving, but suprisingly the grudge was also sky diving I started laughing until it grabbed a hold of me, and started tearing my flesh. My alarm clock rang, and i was saved by the alarm.

So in my case, i was aware that i was dreaming, however i guess i don't get all my powers until SP is not noticed. And until I become fully lucid in my dream. (that punch should of been a death-blow if i was fully lucid)

Anyone here had a simular experience when entering SP?