
I know that many people here would consider themselves experts on the dream state, but I was wondering if anyone has given any thought or study to the state between waking and dreaming, and if so what have you observed? I have found some things that I feel are very strange about the state between waking and a WILD. Such as it seems as if I have a body, yet when I attempt to look around in my environment- there is nothing. It almost seems as if this state is sort of a boot mechanism for dreams. Another strange occurance is that I always have the sense of moving at a great speed, and sometimes feel as if I can control this. However, I cannot see my surroundings as in a lucid dream. Another thing I have noticed is that I do not "fade" into a WILD from this state. There seems to be a period of complete unconciousness in between this state and the WILD state. Anybody else had similar experiences, or more detailed observations?