I am having difficulty putting the wonders of lucidity into words. This will be an essay presented to the class, hopefully I will gain some memebers in the process. I need help though. I only have tonight. The only rules of the essay are it must be five paragraphs. Otherwise we are free to write whatever comes to mind about our chosen topic. This is what I have so far...

Lucid; having knowledge of your actions, surroundings and rationality in a vivid moment. Dreaming; the act of creating a world of illusion and imagination rather than objective reality while sleeping. Although it is a controversial topic lucid dreaming has had many different forms and practices within multiple cultures throughout history. Regardless of the controversy that surrounds it, it is slowly progressing and grasping on to this generation with or without their knowledge. Dreaming within itself is another realm of reality that can create anything or anyone desired, though, with time and practice it can become as vivid or far beyond as vibrant as life. Impossibilities in life can become basic activities. With knowledge of lucid dreaming comes gained control, over varied amounts of time, an alternate reality can be created fulfilling fantasies specific to a person or others if so chosen. Some individuals are lucky enough to be naturals and obtain complete control of their dreams without thinking twice these are the fortunate souls who don’t even realize the amazing spectacle they encounter while merely laying in their own bed, the unfortunate others must dedicate themselves and turn to techniques learned over years of research and trials.

(Keep in mind I am only a freshman, not an expert, and not a genious.)