Hey everybody! If you have read C-Fonz's thread http://dreamviews.com/community/showthread.php?t=85331, then you already have the general idea of what "The Breath Code Project" is all about. But for those who have not read it. There is a short overview below.

*******Overview of "The Breath Code Project"*******

Main Goal:
The main goal of this project is to construct a way to use breathing as a means of communication to the waking world from a lucid dream. The way a person would communicate would be to use a set pattern of long and short inhales and exhales to indicate certain characters or words. For now, this will have to be a means of one-way communication. The lucid dreamer will be able to communicate to the waking world but not the other way around. This is because any external sound or light could wake the dreamer or be misinterpreted by the dreamer. So until a clear way to communicate to the dreamer from the waking world is discovered, the "Breathing Code" will remain a dreamworld to waking world means of communication only. What kind of patterns can be used in the "Breathing Code"? For the moment, a system similar to morse code looks like the best way to go. I have already created the patterns to represent all the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and all of the special characters on the keyboard.

What i need now is a list of 49 words that are most commonly used in describing a lucid dream. So i was wondering if some of you could give me suggestions for this list of words. I was going to make the list myself, but my list may only work well for me. So i was wanting to collect common descriptive words from a large group of people so that it would work for a large group of people. Please try not to list any words that someone else has already suggested, unless you have comments like "why i think this should be added to the list" or "why i think this word should not be added to the list". Once i have completed the list, i have a lot of experiments and tests that i would like to run. Once i have some good results, i'll be sure to come back and post them for everybody to check out. I would like to thank C-Fonz for putting up his thread about "Science Fair + Lucid Dreaming?". If he would not have posted that thread, i probably would have never thought of "The Breathing Code Project". I would also like to thank TheWeirdnessSymposium for the idea of using the "Breathing Code" to communicate music to the waking world. I already have some ideas about how to get his idea to work.

So does anybody want to give their suggestions for the word list? Thanks in advance.