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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2009

      Can no longer Lucid Dream?

      Hi there,

      I have been looking around numerous places trying to find clues or answers to my question and i simply can not find anything.

      I thought I would post here to see if anyone had any ideas towards my situation.

      Ever since I was 5-6 I was able to Lucid Dream, the earliest dream I can recall was a re-occuring nightmare in which I would wake up in the middle of the night and my bedroom window was open. I would get out of bed to shut my window because I was feeling cold but I as went to open the curtain to shut the window there would be "someone" there which would immediatly grab me and pull me out of the window. I would then immediatly wake up from this nightmare. I must have had this nightmare between 10-20 times, each time I would control my dream and was able to make myself have any weapon or skills I required to make sure I would not get pulled out of the window. Examples of this would be, using a base ball bat or a gun or have karate skills. Each time would be a different weapon or skill. Anyway the nightmare/dream ended finally with me deciding to grab the guy instead of him grabbing me and pull off his mask to see that it was myself.

      Anyway, this has nothing to do with my question so ill skip ahead to my actual question.

      I am now 20 years old, I dream and lucid dream frequently or i used too anyway. I used to dream and lucid dream anywhere between 2-4 times a night and usually remembered everything in them and I would also keep a dream diary of all this as well. I have always slept short hours my whole life usually between 5-7 hours a night.

      Over the past year or so things have changed, I would usually fall to sleep like normal begin dreaming then lucid dream. However this is no longer what happens. I fall to sleep, begin dreaming, realise I am dreaming and immediatly wake up before I have chance to begin lucid dreaming. Because of this I can dream anywhere between 2-10 times a night but I only vaguely see the beginning of the dream before immediatly waking up and going back to sleep again and the cycle repeating. It happens so much now I usually can not remember all the beginnings of the dreams. On top of this, I always wake up after sleeping feeling mentally and physically tired.

      At first I just made sure i slept for a couple of extra hours but soon realised that it didnt matter as i was soon feeling the same way. Every day i would feel like i couldnt be bothered to do anything because of how tired I was feeling and how achey my body was feeling. It got the point where a few weeks ago I had to seek medical help and went to see a doctor about this.

      The only thing she could find relating to this was something called "Parasomnia"... After researching and finding out as much as I can about parasomnia I can see there is "many" different types/forms of Parasomnia but the one that relates to me is "Aware im awake while im asleep".

      I havent properly Lucid dream now for about 10-12 months and so far the only thing I can find/do to make me not feel mentally/physically tired of a morning is to purposely keep myself awake till I get to the point where I am so tired I just fall to sleep. I can not keep this up though as I tend to find myself falling to sleep a 4-7am and sleeping till about noon and i can not carry on doing this as I am a university student and I have lectures/practical sessions to attend.

      If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on this I would be happy to hear them.

      Thanks for your time

    2. #2
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      I am a newbie and cannot answer your question but I want to ask you: Has anything big changed in your life recently? Stress gone up? Any new medicine your on? This will all cause less recall.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2009
      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon123 View Post
      I am a newbie and cannot answer your question but I want to ask you: Has anything big changed in your life recently? Stress gone up? Any new medicine your on? This will all cause less recall.
      I have inhalers for my asthma that is the only medication i have and have been on since i was 4 years old.

      No new medications nor anything big that has changed in my life recently to cause my stress levels to go up, i am a pretty calm and collected person

    4. #4
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      Hmmm..not sure then. Let's wait until a more experienced dreamer comes.

    5. #5
      Miss Sixy <span class='glow_FFFFFF'>Maria92</span>'s Avatar
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      Hmm...I'm also a total noob, but if I had to take a stab at it (don't rely on this, by the way), but I would guess that something in your brain shifted in some way. I *think* that right around this age is when the prefrontal cortex of the brain switches on, which may have something to do with your dreaming...IDK. Just a guess, but it's more likely the doctor has it right. Try doing a bit more research on the matter, and see if any help or medication exists.

      Click the sig for my Dream Journal
      444 Dreams Recalled
      13 Lucid Dreams

    6. #6
      Robotic Dreamer? Andywarski's Avatar
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      can you explain what happens in your dream near the end? I used to find when I got lucid I would think about my body back at home and how I could probably just wake up.... then i would.

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by Andywarski View Post
      can you explain what happens in your dream near the end?
      I can no longer seem to get to the end of a dream because as soon as I start dreaming I just wake up.

      Last night for example...

      1st - I started dreaming a friend was taking me clothes shopping and I immediatly woke up, it lasted all of a few seconds I would say.

      2nd - I started dreaming of a "red?" computer virus and before anything else happened I just woke up again.

      3rd - I remember running down a street and I immediatly woke up again.

      I know there was a couple of other times but i cant remember them, I know i woke up and looked at my clock a few times.

      I can never seem to get past the beginning of a dream because as soon as i start dreaming i just wake up.

    8. #8
      Join Date
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      Any other suggestions?

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Oct 2009
      just wanted to bump this again. See if anyone else who hasnt read this has any ideas or clues.



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