I was determined to find my dream guide last night going to sleep. I ended up having probably 10+ dreams, most of them short to medium length, some of them lucid.

the first one i was at school, and someone found my dream journal. they asked if it was my diary. I said it was, but I didnt write down everything i did in the day, but rather in my dreams. Before i could say dreams, some girl completed my sentence. She said she was a lucid dreamer too, and we started talking. I woke up soon after.

a few dreams later i dreamed i was in a room with friends. I was lucid right away, determined to find that girl from the first dream. Around the hall she was there. she told me her name without speaking, it was Fora. I asked her if she was my dream guide and she said "you know youre not even asleep yet" she took me around the hall and to under a table. I got a sort of evil vibe from her, and woke up.

later i had a random unrelated dream, but it ended in me seeing her flying through the air standing on a board, her face looked like an evil witch or something.

later i had a dream where we were both on a bus with some others. She was being rude and unfriendly to some other dcs. we got off the bus, and i told her to be kinder. Her face turned to the witch face, and we had a short magic fight. it was a tie, and i woke up.

Several dreams later, i was walking and saw her and some other girl making out.

the last dream of the night, i was around a bunch of doctors. fora came and said something to the effect of "when that certain person you are looking for is ready to find you, and when you are ready, I can help you find who that special person is."

It was a really strange series of dreams, with a lot of unrelated ones inbetween my dreams with fora in them. i dont think fora is my dream guide, but it does seem like she has some significance.