many of you know about using lucid dreaming for therapeutic purposes.

it's probably the best coping mechanism i have (without using drugs) because if i'm feeling overwhelmed by things in my life, i can spend time in solitude in a beautiful dream location and bring that sense of peace into the following day. the sense of freedom i get in a lucid dream is often enough to make me feel like there is a chance of getting through what happens after i wake up.

there are practical applications such as problem solving and meditation. i've done a few buddhist practices in dreams, one of which was transforming aversion to an enemy into patience, and i've gotten a lot out of this.

so, my questions are

- what personal experiences do you have with the therapeutic aspect of lucid dreaming - what potential do you think there is?

- do you see any of this being integrated into a formal therapist/psychiatrist relationship? will it be dismissed by one doctor who relies on pharmaceuticals and accepted by the next who is more progressive? could medication regimens involve lucid aids for those interested in the potential of this practice?