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    Thread: Oneironaut's Matrix

    1. #1076
      ヽ(´ー`)ノ Tara's Avatar
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      Hey Oneironaut. You have an awesome dream journal.
      I just have one question for you: when you take melatonin and/or B-6, how many mg do you usually take?

    2. #1077
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      Quote Originally Posted by Anonymoose View Post
      Hey Oneironaut. You have an awesome dream journal.
      I just have one question for you: when you take melatonin and/or B-6, how many mg do you usually take?
      Hey, Anonymoose. Thanks for reading.
      I usually take 3-5mg of melatonin about a half hour before bed, and take 100mg of B6, right before laying down to go to sleep.


      (Trying to get caught up. I've been busy as shit, lately, but I've been keeping a few notes. I really don't know the dates these happened, but here is the first batch. I'll be back with more, later.)

      05/14/2008 - 06/03/2008
      Dream One:
      "Training Day"

      Went to the movies with Shaun and Brian. I think we were seeing Iron Man. We kept jumping the rows of theater seats, looking for a good place to sit. Later, we were back in my old neighborhood. There was some guy there recruiting for the Marines or something of that nature. We all decided to try it out, just to see what it was like. My friend Jesse (a real marine) was there, but he knew this guy and had already gone through all of the training, so he didn't have to do anything. I don't remember all of the training, but I remember that it was really intense. Some of it involved rubber bullets, but I don't think we were ever hit by any of them. Either they just used them to freak us out, or we didn't get to the part where they were supposed to be used - I don't quite remember.

      Some of the things I remember were that they were using these loud popper things next to our ears to get us used to the sound of close-range gunfire; having empty guns waved in our faces randomly, to see if we would flinch, thinking they were loaded; and being told that we were going to have blanks fired right at our heads from close-range, to see how unnerved we got at the sensation of being so close to the gunfire. At one point, the trainer said that he was impressed at me because of how I was the only one that didn't flinch when he pointed the empty gun at my head and pulled the trigger. I wasn't all too crazy about the idea of having blanks shot at my face at close range, though. I started weighing whether or not I wanted to continue with this strange "drill," and I think I just ended up walking away, after a while.

      Later, I remember my landlord's son's brother moving out of their house. He'd have a huge fight with his wife.

      Later still, some of my friends and I had gone over to this one kid's carport, where we used to hang out. The kid and his family had moved out, and instead, there lived a giant John Goodman. He was like 7 ft tall. He said his name was Danny Tanner (It took me until hours after I woke up to realize that that was his character's name on Roseanne). He was absolutely wasted, and depressed because his wife left him. Some of us sat around with him in his garage, smoking bowls while he vented about his failed relationship.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      In some classroom taking a verbal quiz where the instructor went around the room and people she chose from each table had to answer a question and then ask someone else at their table a question. That person would then ask someone else at their table a question, etc...

      Dream (Frag) Three:
      Playing some kind of live-action game with friends. We'd pick a person that we'd "become," and the types of weapons that would be used. The game would then be played out as if we were really inside it. (This dream was the information for my Matrix RP game in the Arcane Arena) We would then be projected inside the game and we would fight with weapons like helicopters and rocket launchers. This one guy I was opposing kept wanting me to pick really puny weapons like a vespa scooter and whatnot, but I kept refusing and going for bigger shit.

      Dream (Frag) Four:
      Chillin with Superman and crew, on some beach. At first, I was watching as a disembodied perspective. I saw Superman wash up on the shore, as if he was hurt and/or unconscious. From the way the water was washing over him, he would have drowned - had he been human. Later, he was able to stand, and I was finally a character in the scenario. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen were there. While on the beach, we were checking out these buildings that were designed so that the sun's rays created images, when reflecting off of them. They were some kind of secret organization buildings. One of them, when the rays bounced off, created a hang holding a gun, in the sky. The other created an image of the (Illuminati) All Seeing Eye. I remember Lois and I taking a bunch of pictures of these reflections

      Dream (Frag) Five:
      In some kind of cargo elevator in a building, singing something.

      Dream (Frag) Six:
      I was watching a documentary about some really dirty family. They were so dirty that they had shit all over the house. If the toilet got clogged, the mother would let the kids piss and shit in the bathtub and whatnot. Pretty disgusting dream, all around.

      Dream Seven:
      "Prince of Parasomnia"

      This was a very weird dream. There was a "story" being told, and I was sort of a disembodied creator/editor. The story was about a young, middle-eastern guy that had the ability to transform into a huge snake-like creature. He would have a snake body, from the waist down, and everything above would be a giant man's body that increased in muscle-mass like the Incredible Hulk. The atmosphere was something straight out of Prince of Persia, very intricate Arabic-esque buildings and pathways with mazes of ancient structures.

      There was some empire of badguys with the same sort of transformational powers. The main character's whole thing was about infiltrating their empire and taking out the head badguys in charge. Every now and then, I would make a conscious decision to rewind the events and edit out pieces that just didn't make any sense. The story continued to progress to where somehow the guy was on the run through modern establishments such as the mall and whatnot. After a while, the editing pretty much stopped, and things just kept progressing however they would. There ended up being a lot of character-crossing, and the story ended up in a final battle, out in the modern mall parking lot. It was a free-for-all between the snake-formed middle-eastern guy, Optimus Prime from the Transformers movie, a Mighty Joe Young-ish ape and one other thing that I can't remember. They all clashed together and beat the crap out of each other.

      Dream Eight (notes):
      (Don't really remember anything that is in my notes, for this dream, so here are the notes: )

      In mall for lunch. Waiting for BBQ or something. chinese guy. food taking forever. Steak and rib sandwich. Roller blades out of mall. Down flights of stairs really fast. Way home. Unattractive girls cornered me trying to hit on me. Went to old neighborhood. Moving or something. People happy to see me. Friends gathering round. Talking. Stepped on glasses. home for bed. Woke up and everything was moved (false awakening) Horror movie on tv. Thought someone was in the house. Got sword. Woke up for real. Everything normal.
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    3. #1078
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      Ok, so I lost the entire second half of May - Present dreams because I was too careless to save it, while just leaving it open to write in. I was about 3/4 of the way done with typing out all of the notes, and lost all of it, including the notes. (I will still write down a brief description of what I can remember, when I get time.)

      I'm not very happy about it.

      Moving on...
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    4. #1079
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      05/14 - 6/15
      I lost a lot of dreams. These are all of the pieces I can think of. The last couple are from today, but I just threw them all together so I can get it out of the way and start trying to keep tabs on my present dreams.

      Dream One:
      "Chocolate Bars"

      I had one where I completed the Basic Task for May. I was walking around, outside my old neighborhood, at night, and somehow became lucid. I flew up to Mark's roof and noticed a black cat following me. It jumped from the ground and up onto Mark's roof, in one leap. I pet it for a while and floated off the roof, walking back over by my house. Remembering the task, and walked over to a bicycle, picked it up and took a bite out of the handlebars. They tasted like chocolate, so I ripped them off of the bike and finished them off, walking over to where everybody else was standing, by Jae's house. I spent the rest of the gym over by Jae's, and I think I remember hitting on her mom.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      Some dream where a guy was turning into a werewolf, in the back seat of a car, kind of like this scene from Underworld.

      Dream (Frag) Three:
      Really powerful dream about my dad's ghost. I had just been given my dad's car; a '69 Pontiac Grand Prix (which I'd just been given, IRL), and mom and I were discussing the title, and the maintenance of it. Somehow, my dad's ghost came into the picture. It was just like having him there, but both mom and I knew that he was dead, so the "experience" of his being here was just his spirit. Eventually, dad's ghost and I started arguing over the dumbest things, and he was just being beligerent. We got into a huge fight (that I don't really remember the subject of. I woke up, later, and realized it was Father's Day. Perfect way to start it off. ).

      Dream Four:
      "The Kids Aren't Alright"

      I was in an altered version of the 6-story office building I used to work in. The top level, which is the one I worked in, looked almost exactly the same. The downstairs had a lobby that ours didn't have, and the levels in between them had all kinds of crazy shit going on. Some kid was with me. He had a really annoying, clownish laugh, like this guy I work with. We went wandering the halls of this building, after talking to KE, and saw that some of the flights of stairs were broken, and the only way up or down them was to jump gaps.

      Ended up in a huge, gymnasium-type room, on one of the middle floors. The room was all white, and the floor was smooth like ice, but not cold or wet. We found that we could slide across the floor, like air-hockey pucks glide across the table. We began sliding all over the place, which was fun as hell. Even if we sat down on the floor, we would slide about with seemingly no friction. At one point, I got to going so fast, that I crashed through a door, and into an area that I wasn't supposed to. Across a far wall was a holding cell behind glass. Inside was a group of about 20 children; 8, maybe 9 years old, for the most part. Most of them were in straight jackets, or the remains of straight jackets. They looked feral, and insane, and there was blood across the walls in their cell.

      The second I noticed them, they noticed me, and began scrambling out of a doorway, and out of the cell, heading in my direction. The kid and I barely had enough time to even begin moving backward, before they were swarming us. I vaguely remember a quick spurt of lucidity, when I began slinging fists at these kids to keep them off of me, but I'm not really positive. I know that, if I was, it didn't last long, and I was soon upstairs, having jumped the gaps in the stairwell again, and trying to find my co-workers, and tell them what was going on.

      Dream (Frag) Five:
      One where I was a giant, and fighting another in the ocean. Was using things as weapons, such as hanging onto Captain Nemo's ship, the Nautillus, as a means of transportation. It was only about as big as my forearm.

      Dream (Frag) Six:
      Another where I got into a hack n' slash battle in my house, fighting off a whole bunch of pint-sized-something-or-others (can't remember what they actually were), using my 2-in-1 ninja sword. I just remember it being awesome, and being really good with the blades.

      Dream (Frag) Seven:
      Something about being a vampire. I was in a large room with a letter on the door, which is touched to gain entry into the room. There was a woman sitting on the bed of this old, 19th century bedroom and I was sitting at an organ not far from her, playing it. I remember that I kept trying to play Moonlight Sonata but I couldn't find the keys. The chords didn't seem to sound right, and some of the black keys were missing from the organ.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 06-16-2008 at 11:10 PM.
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    5. #1080
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      Damnit. I had a few dreams that I could recall fragments of, early this morning. I'd had a little bud and some B6, before bed, which accounts for both my remembering the dreams being vivid, and my completely forgetting them.
      One of them was lucid, because I remember looking at my hands, in daylight, and noticing that they didn't look the least bit distorted. But I didn't have any time to write, this morning, and I've forgotten everything, throughout the course of the day at work. If I can think of anything, I'll come back and add it here.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 06-17-2008 at 11:12 PM.
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    6. #1081
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      (I woke up at about 4:30, came to DV for a little while and tried to go back to bed with about 2 and a half hrs left to sleep. I found myself tossing and turning for a good 45 minutes, and looking at the clock every now and then, wondering if I was ever going to get back to sleep...)

      Dream One: (FA)
      "Almost Busted"

      I (false)awoke, thinking I'd just nodded off for a moment after tossing and turning. The clock said 7:00, which meant I'd barely gotten any sleep at all, and had to get up for work soon. Since I had time, I decided to get up and watch something on the PC that might help me tend to a bit of morning...uh..."excitement" that I had going on. Already undressed, and beginning to get "situated", I heard the front door open and Cierra and a little friend of hers come walking into the house. I looked over toward my room door, and discovered that (even though I was completely undressed), it was open. Cierra had obviously gotten back from some trip or something and was telling mom and [mom's] boyfriend about the trip, but was making her way around to my room, to tell me.

      I jumped up from the chair and ran over to the door, trying to close it as discretely as I could. After closing it, rather stealthily, I tried to lock it, turning the latch, but then feeling resistance before I was able to turn it all the way. I tried again, but the latch was stuck, meaning that she was trying to turn the doorknob from the other side. We sat there and fought over control of the door for a little while, and I was finally able to turn the latch. I knew, though, that I couldn't play it off as if I was still asleep, and I would have to make an appearance. A bit detracted from my previous mission, I threw on my robe and went out into the hall (which turned out to be a hallway in some hotel suite, rather than my house). Cierra told me about her trip, showing me a letter that she brought back. It was written in caligraphy on some dark old parchment, looking like it came straight out of a fantasy novel, telling about how she had adventures with elves and ran from trolls and whatnot.

      At first, I didn't know what to make of the letter. Trying to rationalize it, I came to the conclusion that I was dreaming. I remember trying a bunch of different tests, but failed them all. The only two I actually remember were: trying to destroy the bathroom door across the hall with telekinesis and, when that didn't work, trying to manifest a cave troll (ala the letter) from inside the darkened room down the hall. Convinced I was dreaming, I knew that there was a chance some huge, feral, cave troll would come charging out of the room, looking to "Hulk Smash" me, but it was the next reality test I could think of, and I wouldn't have minded a little action if it verified that I was dreaming.

      (Nothing ended up happening, though, and I woke up shortly after. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was 6:15, meaning that I had fallen asleep, everything that had just happened had been a dream, and I still had an hour to sleep before work. I fell right back asleep...)

      Dream Two:

      The first thing I remember is being outside, near a lake. There was a huge water show going on, and a bunch of people were hanging out, watching the water in mid-day. Looking up, I saw a bright flash in the sky. I wondered what it was but, taking a skeptical tone, didn't expect it to be much. After the flash subsided, I saw a vapor trail streaming outward from it. My first impression (judging by appearance) was that something that entered the Earth's atmosphere, and was streaming down toward the ground. A few planes flew by, between myself and the thing much higher in altitude than those planes. After a few seconds, I got a clear picture of what it was: People were surfing through the sky. They had huge foils that they were using in front of them, like sails (the glint of the sunlight off of one of them is what caused the bright flash), which were pulling surfboards that the people were standing on. It was some type of event, like a race, and I was obviously just catching on. One of them swooped down and slowed to a hover over the water, right in front of me, giving me a clear view.

      Time passed, and I remember wandering the streets. It had begun raining and I was looking for a place to sleep. I ended up sleeping on a small deck that was so skinny that I couldn't keep every portion of my body out of the rain. I grabbed a plastic tarp and pulled it over me, sleeping under light cover, but still feeling the patter of rain.

      More time passed, and I was roaming around the streets again after the rain had cleared up. I went into one of the buildings, knowing that I was heading to the same hotel room from my previous dream, as if I was Cierra coming home (That was the feeling I was getting anyway). I was walking around a department store (which took the place of the lobby of a hotel), trying to find an elevator up. Tracing the walls, I couldn't seem to find one. Some guy in a black suit and Agent-like earpiece came out of nowhere and started following me as if I was trying to steal something. Pretending not to notice, I kept walking. Sooner or later, I found the elevator. I waited for the doors to open and, when they did, I wasn't looking at an elevator. I was looking at flight of stairs that only led downwards (the exact opposite of the picture, above). I vaguely remember walking down the stairs, but don't remember a thing about what I saw down there.
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    7. #1082
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      "Cougars' Day Party"

      Some sort of party. I was with mom and there were a bunch of other people my age there with their moms. Many of the moms there started going around and hitting on the others' sons. Some drama broke out and one of the other women had some huge problem with my mom.

      The dream skipped ahead and I was with some of the guys that were at the party, including Todd, some spanish guy our age (Dunno who it was.) and another guy who I don't remember outside of the fact that he was in the passenger seat. We were riding around in a BMW, and I was driving. I remember that, at one point, Todd and the other guy in the back were getting in the car and they slid in through the windows, instead of using the doors. After that, we began getting chased by these 4 foot high minions or something. They were like gremlins, and swarmed in huge numbers. Somehow I knew that, when bitten by them, you become infected and turn into one of them.

      They were everywhere, so we drove around away from them as much as we could. I distinctly remember being able "hop" the car up an (otherwise impossible) flight of stairs, as if it were a bicycle - just kind of "bunny-hopping" the entire weight of the car up there, step by step. Eventually we got to a place where the car could no longer go, so we had to ditch it. After splitting up, I ended up getting stuck on a ledge, overlooking a lower level of grass and a lake. The other guys were running off in one direction, and a group of those "things" chasing us were coming quickly to follow them. I knew that I couldn't stay on that ledge forever, and I jumped down into them, determined to catch up to the others and get away, without being turned.

      The last thing I remember is trying to fight my way through them, by the lake.


      "Race Relations"

      I was coming to check out a house that I'd been thinking about renting out from Nicole, a while ago (IRL). I was inside, taking a look around, and a group of people came up to it and walked inside. I was around their age, in the dream, which was about 17-19. Later, I came to learn that these people had been using this house as a party spot, when the landlords weren't around. I hung out with this group for a while, and began flirting back and forth with one of the girls. Before too long, we were all up under each other the whole time.

      The entire group and I had gone out somewhere and were walking through a parking lot. I got into a conversation with another black guy in one of the cars. Before long, he was spewing out a bunch of hateful shit about how I shouldn't be messing around with the white girl that I was messing around with. She was right beside me and we were both practically leaning in his window, arguing with him. After some back and forth, the guy pulled out a semi-auto pistol. The girl and I hauled ass away from the car, hearing some shots popping off behind us.

      Later, the group and I were in a classroom. There was a video playing at the front of the class. During it, the police burst into the room, dragging the guy from the parking lot along in handcuffs. They knew what had happened, and were trying to get the girl and I to go in for questioning. I remember them letting the perp and I have words, and I completely went off on him. He, however, just kind of stood there with this completely apathetic look on his face, no matter how bad I ripped into him about his prejudice. The last thing I remember was giving him shit, before waking up.


      "Please Do Not Beat On Glass"

      (Been smoking a little, lately, so even though I'm trying to get back in the habit of dream journaling, I've been kind of lacking in the recall. But, I do remember a fragment of a lucid, last night.)

      I was at a public sealife exhibit - enclosed and surrounded by large tanks. Everything was dark, except for whatever lights were lighting the tanks, and the atmosphere reminded me of the shark exhibit, at Sea World. I spent some time going from tank to tank, and seeing all of the creatures they had in them. Some of the tanks were enormous, leading to large outer-areas of the park, and they housed everything from sharks to octopi to eels.

      I don't necessarily remember becoming lucid, but I soon was, and the first thing I recall was roaming around this crowded walkway, looking for something to do. Being in this cave-like exhibit, the first thing that came into my mind was shattering all the tanks and flooding the whole area. I can't remember if I found or manifested it, but I was soon walking around with a baseball bat. I began smashing all of the tanks, one by one - some of them only spider-webbing, while the others broke and released whatever water and life they held. When I hit the bigger tanks, they exploded, hundreds of gallons surging in and collectiong over the floor. Before too long, the entire exhibit enclosure was submerged in water. I cautiously confirmed that I could breathe underwater (wary, at first, of inhaling and water pushing in through my nostrils), and then continued on busting out whatever tanks were still intact.

      I spent a while underwater. Some of the people around me looked still and dead - floating around, lifeless, in the illuminated water - and others were just walking or swimming around, making their way through the water just as I was.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 06-24-2008 at 01:33 PM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    8. #1083
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      Another lucid fragment, but I don't remember much besides that I became lucid while at a movie theater. I had a large group of friends and family there, and we roaming around throughout the different theaters. I can't remember who I was walking around with, but we kept doing "Hulk Smash"-es on the ground, and cracking the floors under us. We went back into the theater with the rest of our people and I remember flying around over the crowd, looking for my seat.
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    9. #1084
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      DOwn in the Keys at the moment. I've got some more dreams on my PC at home, but I will have to wait until I get back, before I can post them. As of now, I've been having some crazy dreams, since I've been out here, and I've got a couple of mins on my friend's PC, so I'll post my notes and edit them around, once I get back in town.

      -Jon was tripping. Bugging out at first and started to mellow out. I had glowsticks and put on a bit of a show. I think his parents were there.

      - Something about swimming in Blue Springs, and messing with a big nurse shark.

      - Zombie attack on town. Came to the house. FIghting one over door. Went in garage looking for weapons. Crowbar, hatchet, etc. Put them down after finding two machetes. Loaded the truck and went through town. Everything was fucked. Got in touch with friends and family. Went to fam's places in Daytona. Got more guns and whatnot. Somehow acquired a flying Mach 5.

      - Thought I burned Michelle's couch, but it turned out to be a new shirt instead.

      - Don't remember much of this one. On boat with people at night. Cruising islands. Started talking to gorgeous girl. Something happened to where we couldn't see where we were going. Landed on island with hostile inhabitants. Huge ordeal. THe girl and I looked out for each other and stayed close. Something happened and we thought each other were dead. Found each other later. Finally got off the island and to another one.

      - (all of this next part is hazy. It's really hard to tell where one dream ends and another begins, especially since I knew I started waking up, numerous times, before it was all said and done. Running through the streets at night. Vacant lot. Suspected I was dreaming. Began floating with my feet inches above the ground. Looked at my hands once - wavy, and kept closing into fists even when I wasn't trying to make them. Looked later and had two fingers curling up from one side of the hand and two more curling up from teh other. Thumb in middle. Weird. Started roaming around. Thought about the Hulk, and started smashing cars as if I was him. Tried lifting one. Could do it, but it seemed it was really heavy. Attempted "hulking out" more. Grew stronger. Lifted car over my head and threw it. Began waking up a few times. WILDed back into dream.
      Later. Day time. Still lucid. Climbing buildings. Up drainpipe. Fell. Thought of spider-man and shot webbing at roof to keep from hitting the ground. Saw a shadow on the wall morph into someone. Got down from roof. Lost lucidity around here.
      Went into huge building. Supposedly worked there. Had a boss giving me shit about being late. Was now wearing badass suit, but he said something about not having the right coat because some special function was coming up or something, and we all had to look a certain way. Went out to get right coat.

      (think turned into another dream that ends up going back to the previous, but I'm not sure) I ended up meeting up with CB and Nina. CB was doing pull-ups flat against the ceiling. Nina was watching him. I think I got the coat from CB, that the guy was asking about in the previous dream (or earlier part of the same dream). Ended up going back to that place. Boss was still giving me shit. GOt into a HUGE fight with him, in front of everyone. Basically made him come off of his "most important person in the world," pedistal, making him look really small.

      - In a movie theater. Can't remember the beginning, but I had some gear with me, one of which was a huge flashlight. I also had a briefcase. Some time while in the theater, goons burst in. One of them was a Bane type character (Batman) but instead of just being big and strong, he had a blaster of some kind. I ended up sneaking away to the back and changing, superhero-like, into a suit kind of like Iron Man's. Huge flashlight thing opened up and turned into a blaster. Put it on my arm. Showdown with goons. Followed the big one to bank. Awesome fight, deflecting beams from each other. Shooting through walls. Two types of blasts. He had one that ricocheted. Came down on top of me. Deflected. Blew up floors above me. Ended up winning. Later, carrying gear again, and with friends. Someone threw something off the top of the theater. Tape recorder. Don't remember what the tape said.
      Out in a field with same friends and some chick. Was riding a motorcycle. FOr some reason she came on the track with her car, going the other way. Some kind of crazy game of chicken or something, where we were fucking with each other.
      Later, still as the same "hero" character I had been, got friends into restricted area. Some sort of machine that shows the evolution of the universe. It was like one of those things astronauts get in that spin them around. BUt it goes so fast that it somehow shows you time as it was and will be. I, in full metal suit, was basically the only person who could withstand the G's. Saw the birth and death of the universe from inside our sun's orbit. Really cool.

      - Mom had some condition where one eye was huge (cartoonishly huge), and would just kind of look around aimlessly, even if the other was still. Even when she slept, that eye stayed open, moving around.
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    10. #1085
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      (Damn...I've got so much catching up (aka typing) to do. ) I've got a lot of notes for the past few days, but I need to get caught up, so I can stop neglecting my journal. I've got the day off, though, so hopefully I'll get them all down...or close to it.)

      Dream One:
      ”Still Trippin”

      I was at what was supposed to be Jon’s house, but it was changed around. We were sitting around and some of us were tripping. I believe I was, but I was doing most of the glowsticking, so I was focused mostly on dancing. Jon was bugging out for a while, slipping into a bad trip, and we had to work to calm him down. I remember moving in closer to him and telling him to just watch the glowsticks and forget about everything else. He did, and began to mellow out after a while. I believe his parents were there with us, but I don’t really remember.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      We were in Blue Springs and there was a nurse shark swimming around in the water. Don’t remember much about this one, except for the shark swimming toward me and me grabbing it by the mouth. (Should have been a dream sign, because there are no sharks in Blue Springs. Also, we were talking about going to swim out to see the nurse shark that lives by my friend’s mom’s house, the day before my dream.)

      Dream Three:
      ”Residential Evil”

      Massive zombie attack on Central Forida. I remember being at home and suddenly getting jumped by one of them that had roamed into my house. I ran through a doorway and tried to close it, but the zombie had a hand in and we fought over the door for a while. After finally getting it shut, I made my way to the garage, trying to find some weapons. The weapons seemed to (cinematically) progress in lethality, as I glanced over them. First I saw a crowbar. Then I saw a hatchet, chainsaw, etc. Finally, I stopped when I saw two rusty machetes sticking out of a bucket. I believe I called someone, which is how I found out that the zombies were all over the place, so I loaded up basically every tool/weapon I had, and loaded up the truck (much like I said I was going to do, in the Zombie Attack thread. Lol.).

      I drove through town, and everything was pretty much fucked. There were zombies and destruction everywhere. I continued talking to friends and family on the phone, and finding out what everyone was going to be doing in this crisis. Finally, I ended up driving out to Daytona to meet up with members of my family (many of which are gun-crazy) and pool our weapons.

      I also remember something about having Speed Racer’s Mach 5, which actually flew, unlike Speed’s car, and using it to fly off of a jammed highway as people scrambled to evacuate. Someone was flying with me, but I can’t remember who it was.

      Dream (Frag) Four:
      I thought I had burned Jon’s girlfriend’s couch (that I’ve been sleeping on while in the Keys, and is the most comfortable fuckin couch ever), with a cigarette. I’m certain it had been the couch, at first, but – upon closer inspection – it turned out to be (or turned into) a white shirt that had been laid out on the couch, that happened to be the same color, so it just “looked” like the couch. The shirt was on a hanger and had a price-tag on it, implying that it was brand new. But, still, rather burn that than Michelle’s couch.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 07-22-2008 at 04:55 AM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    11. #1086
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Dream One:
      ”Nautical Nightmare”

      I don’t remember much of this one, unfortunately, but it was really intense. I was on a boat with a bunch of people, at night. (We rode out to watch the fireworks on Michelle’s mom’s boat, the night before this dream, which is what sparked it, I’m sure.) I started talking to this gorgeous girl who had come along for the ride, and we were getting steadily closer, as the ride went on.

      Sooner or later, we seemed to have screwed up our navigation, and we were now so far out that all we could see were a few lights coming off of the various islands around us. We had no idea which one was the one we’d come from, or where we were headed. It was just pitch black, all around, with little specks of light all around us. We decided to just pull in to one of the islands, and try to get some idea about where we were. Huge mistake. The island we landed on was inhabited by savages, and they weren’t all that happy about our having “imposed upon them.”

      We spent a huge portion of the dream running for our lives, through the jungles of this island, while many of us were being killed off. The girl and I stuck close, through the whole ordeal, and looked out for each other as best we could, but then something happened (can’t remember what) where we’d gotten split up by the natives. I went through the rest of the dream trying to get back to the boat and find as many of our passengers as possible, thinking the girl had been killed, because of the way we were split up. But, finally, it was revealed that she was still alive. We found each other and, basically, it was like a long-lost married couple had been reunited, the way the emotions flowed.

      We were able to gather up what survivors we had found, and we got off of the island. Battered and exhausted, we pulled into another island which met us with a huge reception, as if we’d been missing for months, and the entire population had known about what we’d gone through.

      Dream Two:
      “Hulkin Around”

      (I really don’t know where parts of this next dream end and another one begins. I woke up numerous times during the night, and the dream breaks into something seemingly unrelated, but then comes right back, so I don’t know if it’s actually more than one dream that just happened to circle back around, or what… But anyway…)

      I was running through the streets, at night. I don’t know whether I was running from something or not – just that I was running. I came to a vacant lot with a few junk cars sitting around, and there was no one else in sight. Rather spontaneously (unless I was running from something, and it was out of anxiety), I began suspecting I was dreaming. I attempted to float, and began levitating to where my heels just barely left the ground. I started sliding forward, dragging the toes of my feet, but never really taking off into the air. After landing, I looked at my hands to ground myself. They were wavy, and kept closing into fists even when I wasn’t trying to make them close. Sometime later, I looked again, and had two fingers curling up from one side of the hand, and two more curling up from the other, with the thumb sticking up between the two sets. Weird.

      I began roaming around. The thought of the Hulk crossed my mind, and I started smashing some of the junk cars as if I was him, growling and snarling with mock rage. I tried lifting one of the cars, and saw that I could get one end of it off the ground, but wasn’t able to do it as easily as the Hulk would. So, I tried “Hulking-Out” a bit more, straining and focusing more, imagining that my muscles were growing bigger just like the Hulk’s did in the ’03 movie when he got angrier. The car became so much easier to lift that I picked it up over my head and threw it.

      (Shortly after, I started feeling myself waking up. I was feeling my body on the couch. I decided to just relax and not try to resist waking up, but not welcome it. I just kind of went flaccid, attempting to let myself back into the dream. It worked. I don’t know whether I was fully awake or not, but when I dropped back in, the scene had changed, so I will call it another dream - and a successful WILD.)

      Dream Three:
      ”Dress Code”

      It was now day time, and I was still lucid. I was walking down a city street and, for some reason, got the urge to scramble up to the rooftops. I started climbing up the drainpipe of one building, and there was a huge scorpion in a spider web directly in front of me, that I almost put my hand on. It startled me, and I involuntarily let go of the drainpipe and began to fall. On the way down, I immediately thought of Spider-Man and did his web-slinging hand gesture. A string of webbing flew out (I don’t know if it actually came out of my wrist or not) and tacked onto the roof, swinging me down and against the side of the building. While I was climbing back up, I remember looking over into an alley and seeing a shadow cast across the wall. It was just a shadow of an object, but it then transformed into the figure of what looked like a witch or wizard, hat and all. Intrigued, I climbed down off of the building with the intention of investigating, but ended up losing lucidity and falling into auto-pilot.

      I found myself walking down the sidewalk, in front of the buildings. There was one particularly large building that I walked into, with the “knowledge” that I worked there. Inside, I met my boss, who had a very regal Bruce Wayne sort of air about him. He was giving me shit because I was late for work. I noticed that I was now wearing a badass black suit, but my boss said something about me not having the right coat. We were supposed to be heading to some special function and we all had to dress a certain way. He told me to go get the right overcoat and not come back until I did.

      The dream then skipped ahead, and I found myself hanging out with DV members CoLd BlooDed and Aquanina. CB was working out, doing pull-ups in some strange way where he would left his legs up, and then flatten himself out, horizontally, so that his body was positioned as if he was doing a push-up on the ceiling. Then, he would drop back down into pull-up position, with his feet hanging over the floor – then, repeat. Nina was just watching him with this look of lust-struck awe on her face. Lol.

      I think I got the coat from CB, and that was the reason I was at his place. Afterward, I went back to where I had been working. The boss was still giving me shit, and I ended up getting in a huge fight with him, in front of everyone that worked there. I can’t really remember what the content was, but I ended up making him look like a pompous asshole, and knocking him a few rungs off of his pedestal, making him look much smaller to the rest of the employees.

      (Again, I had a weird scene change where I can’t tell if another dream started, or if it was a continuation of the last. I’m pretty sure it was a new dream, though, so I’ll write it as such.)

      Dream Four:
      “Dueling Blasters”

      I was in a movie theater that just happened to be the same building where I was working in the previous dream (which is what initially made me wonder whether or not it was a new dream). I can’t remember the beginning (or “transition”), but I somehow had a lot of gear with me. One of these tools was a huge flashlight. I also had a briefcase. Sometime later, while in the theater, a bunch of goons burst in. One of them was a Bane type of character (Batman) but instead of just being big and strong, he had a “blaster” of some kind. I ended up sneaking away to the back and changing, superhero-like, into a suit kind of like Iron Man or Samus’s, that I pulled out of the briefcase. The huge flashlight thing opened up and turn into a blaster that I slid onto my arm to be fired, kinda like Samus’s.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      I came back out and had a massive showdown with the goons that I don’t remember much of. Afterward, though, I followed the big guy to a bank that he tried to rob after the theater. We had an awesome fight inside, where we would run through the halls (and break through walls) firing our blasters at each other. We both had two modes of fire; rapid fire and charged shot (also like Samus), and we were able to deflect each other’s energy blasts with one of our own, so we spent a lot of time shooting each other’s shots out of the air, which was dope. He shot one that actually ricocheted off of the walls around me. It kept bouncing around, and I couldn’t anticipate where it was going. It ended up bouncing off of the ceiling and coming down at me from above. I reached my own blaster up and fired a shot. The two shots collided a few feet over my head and exploded, breaking through the ceiling, and sending debris from the higher floor raining down on me. I don’t remember how, but I ended up winning the fight.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      Later, I was carrying my tools and briefcase again, back in my normal clothes. I was with friends, and we were walking toward the theater. Someone on the roof of the theater began yelling and threw something down toward us. It was an old tape recorder. I can’t remember what the tape said, but it had something to do with advancing the whole “superhero” plot.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      (This dream (also) then skipped ahead to scenarios that were so alike – and yet so different – that I can’t tell whether or not they were a part of the same dream.)
      <o:p> </o:p>
      I was out in a field with the same friends as before, and some chick. I was riding a motorcycle around on a track in the field and - for some reason - the chick came onto the track with her car, going the opposite way. She was inciting some crazy game of chicken, and we kept fucking wit each other, coming to within a few feet of smashing into each other, and veering off.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      Later still, as the same “hero” character I had been, I got my (same) friends into a restricted area where there was some sort of machine that shows the evolution of the universe. It was like one of those things astronauts get in, that spin them around to get them used to the g-forces. But, this one goes so fast that it somehow shows you time as it was, and will be, as if it rips a hole in the universe and you can see time itself. I, in full metal suit, was basically the only person who could withstand the G’s for this machine. I got in and saw the birth and death of the universe from somewhere within our solar system. It was awesome.
      <o:p> </o:p>

      Dream (Frag) Five:
      My mom had some strange condition where one eye was huge (cartoonishly huge), and would just kind of look around aimlessly, even if the other was still. Even when she slept, that eye stayed open, moving around. Kinda creepy.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 07-22-2008 at 04:55 AM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    12. #1087
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      Still getting caught up:

      "Silent Invasion"

      Brian and I were in some restaurant, and there was a girl that he had been hitting on the entire time. We’d gone outside, after a while, and the girl had a friend that came up to talk to us. I can’t remember exactly how it first happened, but we ended up getting one of the girls wet. It was specifically salt water that had gotten her wet (I think she fell in a puddle or something). When she was wet, we noticed that the water actually burned into her skin like acid, without hurting her. It began to melt off the disguise that we’d thought was her actual face, and exposed her to be and (rather ugly) alien. I think we tested her friend, but can’t remember whether or not she was an alien too.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      After that, Brian and I basically went around carrying bottles of salt water, and soaking down everyone that we found. It turned out that there was some huge alien conspiracy, and they were trying to populate our planet. I don’t really believe that their intentions were malicious, but more and more humans were beginning to feel threatened by their presence and secrecy, so it was turning into an issue of just plain not trusting them. The consensus was that we had to run these aliens off of our planet, because they were trying to deceive us, and we didn’t believe any of their explanations about why it was reasonable for them to do so.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      My notes tell me that there was a huge ordeal where we saw their ships coming down to start picking them up, but I really don’t remember any of that.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      Dream (Frag) Two:
      Something having to do with the Dark Knight (though I don’t remember the dream very well.). I remember being on one side of a forest, and I would use a glider/cloak to glide from one side of the forest to the other. There was a Joker character in the dream, and he had released some toxin that was making people kill themselves, en masse. There was a point where I remember falling off of bridges and buildings, kind of like the commercial of The Happening, where people were falling off of the rooftop.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      My notes say there was a scene with Joker gas, and a sex scene, but it’s been quite a while (and I’m just starting to get caught up) and I really don’t remember any of it. One part I do remember is Hancock dropping out of the sky and shattering the concrete upon landing.
      <o:p> </o:p>
      <o:p> </o:p>

      There was a community of some kind of supernatural creatures. I believe they were werewolves. If not, then they were damn close to them. They lived behind a large set of doors in the side of a mountain. The only thing I remember is that we, the humans, devised a plan to lure them out of hiding, so that we can try to kill them off, because they were picking us off whenever they had the chance. The weird thing was that, when we lured them out, they sic’d dogs on us (even though they were wolf-people).
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 07-22-2008 at 04:56 AM.
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    13. #1088
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      I was with a bunch of people, and the only guy in the group. Some cop we ran into started giving me shit, making it overtly clear that he was only doing so because I was the only black guy in the group. Can’t remember what he was saying, though. Later, we were all in a store that had a bunch of Indiana Jones merchandise. I started checking out some of the whips and playing with them, but kept putting them all down because they felt really cheaply made and I wanted something a little more authentic.

      Dream One:
      ”Hancock’s Powers”

      **Slight Movie Spoiler in This Post**
      (I don’t remember very much of this one at all – just going off of my notes, and even those don’t really bring most of the beginning of the dream back into memory.)
      I started off this dream with Hancock’s powers (was watching the movie when I went to sleep). Apparently I started off by going around and helping people at times. I ended up with a group of friends, including C.C., who used to hang out in my old neighborhood. Another girl in the group turned out to be my “opposite,” like Charlize’s character in the movie.

      We were then at someone’s house. The mystery girl had been crying for some reason, and I spent a large part of the dream consoling her, hugging and kissing her while our group was waiting around for C.C. while she was busy with something. We were told that we had to go meet C.C. at “Covington” something-or-other. I knew where it was, so we all left the house. The mystery girl slipped up to me to hold my hand and, after walking for some time, her expression changed, and she immediately seemed really apprehensive about something. Without disclosing why, she decided that she was going to split from the group, and walk a separate way. I asked if she knew something she wasn’t telling us, and she just refused to answer. She went the opposite way, and the rest of us continued walking to the neighborhood where we were supposed to meet C.C.

      Shortly after, I found myself walking through a strange house, alone. All of a sudden, some kid in his late-teens jumped out from around a corner, slashing at me with a knife. We struggled for a short time, and ended up crashing through a window. We hit the ground, and his head ended up cracking on something. Blood began pouring out of it, profusely. Having merely been defending myself, I never meant to kill this kid. I had apparently lost my powers, after having been around my opposite for quite a while, and was pretty sliced up, but I picked the stranger up and carried him down the street, where there just happened to be some medics in an ambulance. It turned out that the kid has lost too much blood, though, and it was too late to save him.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      I was flying over a highway(I believe this was a separate dream from the previous, but I’m not 100&#37; sure). Passing overhead, I saw the Batmobile sitting on the ground beneath the crossing overpasses (the sleek Batmobile from the earlier movies, not the Tumbler from the new ones), with the canopy open. I suddenly dropped out of the sky, feet first, and landed in the car, pulling back the canopy and sealing myself inside. I went for a drive, and it was really hard to control at first, because there was so much torque that the back end kept skidding out and sliding around (like when Gordon first tried driving the Tumbler, in Batman Begins). After I’d gotten the hang of it, I drove around the city some more, and ended up stopped in an alley. A bunch of thugs showed up, and were surrounding the car as if they were going to try to crack it open and take it from me. I don’t actually remember what happened, though.

      Dream (Frag) Three:
      I was sparring with bo staffs at someone’s house. There was a girl there who was taking up most of the challenges, so we spent most of the time sparring each other. She was really badass, and the fighting and staff twirling was great. I don’t really remember any details, though.
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    14. #1089
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      (It’s been a while since I’ve updated my journal, so I don’t remember very many of these next few dreams at all. I’m just expanding on the notes I took, so some of them probably won’t be very detailed or coherent, all the way through, because I’m just going off of my notes, and not because I remember all that happened. I’ll add what detail I do remember, though. And some of these I will just keep as notes, because I don’t feel like typing all of them out.)

      Dream One (Notes):

      -In some kind of firefight with friends, against other soldiers. Outside of some kind of warehouse or factory. Ended up getting in something like a mine car and going down the rail, shooting at people and things as we went. Something on ceiling. Was getting HUD type targets like a video game.

      Dream Two:
      "Temple of the Calhoun"

      At a school graduation. Everyone there was dressed up in suits, dresses or costumes with props, just to be silly. Some huge guy was walking around dressed as Hellboy, and he was pretty much leading us to wherever we had to go, within this huge school with like 10 floors. I can’t remember exactly what I was wearing, but I know I had my Daywalker sword, and Cloud Strife’s seven-piece sword that I was carrying around with me. Brian was trying to get out of coming with us to the graduation, for some reason, and we had to practically drag him around because he was trying to keep from participating.

      Later, (my notes say something about “Indian Cloth” here, but I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean) huge bugs appeared outside the building. They were flying around by the thousands, and swarming in front of all the windows, hovering and looking in. They began crashing in through the windows. It was only one at first, and I watched disembodied as it transformed into some slimy creature that looked like it was straight out of Cloverfield, chased down some kid, and pinned him down. It traced a “finger” (if you could really call it that) around the kids eyeball, and then it reached in. My perspective looked away from the scene and, though I couldn’t see it, I heard the young guy screaming as the eye was pulled out.

      More of these things came crashing through the windows, first, seemingly as pods with wings, but then transforming, as the first did, into more of those legged creatures. I started running, and they soon had many of the floors blocked off, including the way out. I remember racing from floor to floor, up and down the now slime-coated (and stopped) escalators, dodging these things all over the place. After some time, it seemed like I was the only human still left in the building. I began stabbing and slashing my way through these things with the two swords that I was carrying, though all the details of that are gone.

      I also remember some sort of voice talking about how the school had turned into the “Temple of the Calhoun,” (“Calhoun” being the name of the bug-things, apparently) but I don’t remember much of the context of that either.

      "Joker and Freddy"

      I was hanging with the Joker. He seemed like a strange mix between Jack Nicholson’s and Heath Ledger’s Jokers. I think he had more of Heath’s personality, with Jack’s look. We were just roaming around and he was acting all insane, with just a bit of Jack’s Joker’s whimsical personality coming through every now and then. We spent most of our time outside of a restaurant and, sooner or later, Joker started trying to attack me. There was a kind of Bruce Wayne character that showed up, but I don’t remember much about him. At one point, I was walking around a set of hedges, trying to nonchalantly make my way away from the Joker. He immediately appeared in front of me, walking around from the other side of the hedge. He just sort of grinned a knowing “Ha…thought you were going to give me the slip, didn’t you?” sort of grin, and just kept on walking past me.

      After he did this, I saw a flash in my head of a bunch of different villains from the Batman universe. Stumbling around from the visions, I came back in front of the restaurant (that I think was a Mc Donald’s, now that I think about it) and there was a guy dressed up in doctor scrubs standing in front of me. His brows were furrowed in an evil grin, and he told me to turn my head and cough. I said “…huh?” wondering just what the hell he was talking about, and he just reached out, grabbed my balls and squeezed. It fucking hurt – bad. After that, the dream skipped ahead.

      I was not watching some sort of twisted anime. I remember some little girl crying over a pool of blood on the floor. Freddy made an appearance in the anime as well. Mom happened to be watching this show with me, and she was talking about wanting to just hang out and lounge around the house, suggesting that I call work and take the day off. She had only caught a glimpse of the anime so far, and I told her that she probably wouldn’t like it, because it was obviously off-the-wall, and I didn’t quite know what all to expect from it. A few minutes later, we both got sucked into anime and ended up on an old, Feudal-Japanese yard. Freddy was still in control of things, and was causing different manifestations to attack me. Arrows came, flying out of nowhere, and blasts of energy would ricochet all over the yard. Freddy began fighting, himself. He would dive in and out of range, invisible, and all I would see is drafts of painted wind, and the blades of his glove. I kept dodging his nails and blocking them with something. It ended up turning into a game instead of an animated battle of life and death.


      I was hanging out with DV Member Burns. We were in a hallway at someone’s house party, and I was standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her and my chin practically resting on her head. She had the front of her shirt up, and resting on top of her chest, with her white bra-covered chest exposed as we talked to everyone else. (And don’t worry, Burns, it was more in free-spirited fun than anything overtly sexual. ) I remember that, while holding her, I realized that I was dreaming. Doing a telekinetic reality check, I focused on our two bodies and made us began to levitate over the ground, just kind of swaying in the air. I looked over across the hall and tried to use TK to make a door explode, just for practice, but I couldn’t do it. I could practically feel it with my mind, as if I was exerting some sort of force on it, but could not get it to break.

      (My notes continue with the words: “Alligators; People from work. Sitting around. Trying to play guitar. Nothing to play to.” But I don’t really remember much of that.)

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      Watching The Dark Knight in a massive theater. Something more like a symphony hall than a cinema. There were a bunch of my family and friends there. Sooner or later, some strange Yoda-look-alike villain came crashing into the theater. He was really powerful and had some sort of hovering pod that carried him around through the air. He was throwing beams of energy at the crowd and blowing them up with people running and screaming around us. The dangerous scenario made me lucid in the midst of escape. Planning on fighting him back with his own technique, I began running forward at him, through the stands, focusing on my hands and imagining a glow forming around them. We began firing energy blasts at each other, through the stands, and blocking some of each others’ blasts with our own (much like in the Iron Man-ish type dream I had a little while back) The more he damaged the theater, the more this green, glowing fluid became visible in the ground. It seemed that the more we began drawing up our energy blasts, the more they were getting sucked up from the bright, liquid cracks in the stands. I don’t really remember anything else of the fight, though.


      I believe this began in the DeLand area, off of Woodland Blvd. I remember spending some time in a Checkers burger joint with some friends, late at night, and finding out that there was a massive hole to an underworld, down the street. The concrete broke away, and it was this giant gash in the ground, maybe half a mile long and maybe a quarter-mile thick, at its widest point. We would stare down into this cavern, which seemed to bit illuminated with green torches against the rock formations that lined the walls of the trench.

      Sooner or later, we got to climbing down into this hole in the Earth. There were a bunch of pathway ledges and hand-holds to scale the wall on. (I usually don’t do all that much in non-lucids that I wouldn’t do in real life, but there is no way in hell I would have started scaling this trench.) We came across a bunch of creatures that looked like they might have been at home in the Lord of the Rings. There were so many different species that we ended up seeing a computerized catalog of all the enemies we would come across, as we went deeper into the Earth. It became very video game-like.

      There was some princess or something that lived in a stone of this labyrinth of caves and rocky paths that stretched for miles and miles beneath the streets, branching out from the single hole that led to street level. The father of the (human-sized and gorgeous) princess was an enormous monster that reminded me of one of the colossi from the Shadow of the Colossus game. Plenty of times, this colossus would splatter me all of the place and kill me, but I would respawn, just like I was playing a game, and have to make my way back through the caverns again. I remember being at one of the exits, and two T-rexes coming straight toward me. I ran and was chased by them, ducking away into a hole that led me straight back into the catacombs. My notes say something about becoming lucid here, but I really don’t remember that.

      Later, I was going back down into the tunnels, after having been killed numerous times, and one of the entrances was blue and covered with ice and snow. As I descended lower down the steps into the cave, it became darker and more deeply blue around the walls. I was attacked by the ninja Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. I don’t remember much of the fight, and I think he ended up killing me, but I’m not sure.

      I then remember a time where I was explaining to someone how the place in the huge gash in the Earth worked, and how you can die and come back to life, and how much of a good adventure it was. I told them about my run-ins with the colossus, and how he’d killed me plenty of times, in the past.


      Using two guns on arcade in what seemed like LMSH. Badass at game. Kinda like Area51. Ex checking out picures. Took one. Huge fight with her afterwards.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 08-12-2008 at 01:56 PM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    15. #1090
      Member supreme's Avatar
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      Ontario, Canada
      haha oneironaut!! You do the same thing i did, and print your dreams
      a different color. I belong to quite a few forums and im a moderator
      at one rock forum. So im used to posting a lot and so that is why i did the
      color changes. I bet everyone does it tho huh? Im not going to start
      posting pics for my dreams tho. Ive got pic-posting burnout now!
      Ive also noticed you use perfect punctuation as well! Well im not
      gonna, haha im too lazy! Ill save it for official docs. But i have to say
      its nice to see a punctuation-perfect man!!
      I also play guitar and write songs and love to draw and paint as well!
      Ill be checking out all of your stuff!! Everyone elses stuff too!

      So OMG!! Youve been posting dreams here since 2005!?!
      Thats a lot of dreams for me to catch up on!! Love the first one!!
      And now ill read the last one too! I think im gonna start reading
      yours and all of the dreams in here from last to the first....always
      starting with the very first one tho. That way ill be relatively up
      to date while i catch up, if you can follow that meaning. What
      do you think?? Will i lose anything by reading them backwards??

      I feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store here!!
      All my life, alone and LDing, no one knows what it is!!
      People think youre nuts!! I knew i wasnt crazy tho,
      cause i knew I was lucid dreaming dammit!! I just stopped
      talking about it to anyone. I looked up LD years ago but
      i could never find much. Just enough to confirm what it
      was. That is when i found out that i wasnt astral projecting
      as i was once told and that they called it lucid dreaming
      now. I dont think i have ever become lucid right in a dream
      but i could have done tho and not remember it now. I
      never did analyze them too much. I just had my fun and
      then kept it to myself. I feel sorry for anyone who cant do
      it because i have always truly believed everyone can! I was
      only afraid the first time a bit, after that i was a full steam
      ahead. My ld worlds are always peaceful tho, and i like them
      that way. But there are so many ideas now that i want to
      try from in here!! I cant wait to LD again!!! Here i am going
      to learn and grow as a fellow LDer!! I belong here!!
      Last edited by supreme; 08-12-2008 at 08:25 AM.
      Dream A Little Dream Of Me
      <a href=http://imageshack.us target=_blank rel=nofollow><img src=http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/6425/bugxf3.gif border=0 alt= /></a>

    16. #1091
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by supreme View Post
      haha oneironaut!! You do the same thing i did, and print your dreams
      a different color. I belong to quite a few forums and im a moderator
      at one rock forum. So im used to posting a lot and so that is why i did the
      color changes. I bet everyone does it tho huh? Im not going to start
      posting pics for my dreams tho. Ive got pic-posting burnout now!
      Ive also noticed you use perfect punctuation as well! Well im not
      gonna, haha im too lazy! Ill save it for official docs. But i have to say
      its nice to see a punctuation-perfect man!!
      I also play guitar and write songs and love to draw and paint as well!
      Ill be checking out all of your stuff!! Everyone elses stuff too!
      Hey, supreme!
      Yeah, I have different colors for my lucid dreams and for my "out of dream" thoughts. I don't know if my punctuation is perfect, but I try to keep it as accurate as possible. Haha. I'd like to see and hear some of your music and artwork, sometime. Don't hesitate to show it off!

      Quote Originally Posted by supreme View Post

      So OMG!! Youve been posting dreams here since 2005!?!
      Thats a lot of dreams for me to catch up on!! Love the first one!!
      And now ill read the last one too! I think im gonna start reading
      yours and all of the dreams in here from last to the first....always
      starting with the very first one tho. That way ill be relatively up
      to date while i catch up, if you can follow that meaning. What
      do you think?? Will i lose anything by reading them backwards??
      You've got a lot of reading to do! Lol. I'd have to say you might miss a bit, by reading backwards, but only in the way of recognizing themes that have happened in previous dreams, and seeing how my control progresses and falls, in sequence. But, I think many of my most interesting lucids start happening around mid-way through the journal or so, though there are a few in the beginning that were great, too.

      Quote Originally Posted by supreme View Post

      I feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store here!!
      All my life, alone and LDing, no one knows what it is!!
      People think youre nuts!! I knew i wasnt crazy tho,
      cause i knew I was lucid dreaming dammit!! I just stopped
      talking about it to anyone. I looked up LD years ago but
      i could never find much. Just enough to confirm what it
      was. That is when i found out that i wasnt astral projecting
      as i was once told and that they called it lucid dreaming
      now. I dont think i have ever become lucid right in a dream
      but i could have done tho and not remember it now. I
      never did analyze them too much. I just had my fun and
      then kept it to myself. I feel sorry for anyone who cant do
      it because i have always truly believed everyone can! I was
      only afraid the first time a bit, after that i was a full steam
      ahead. My ld worlds are always peaceful tho, and i like them
      that way. But there are so many ideas now that i want to
      try from in here!! I cant wait to LD again!!! Here i am going
      to learn and grow as a fellow LDer!! I belong here!!
      I felt exactly as you did, when finding out about places like DV where more people lucid dreamed were talking about it. Before that, every time I'd try to talk about it to other people, I'd get the expression. Haha. I still love this place, and it's helped me gain a lot of inspiration for my artwork, through exploring my dreams. I hope it does the same thing for you!
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    17. #1092
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      I was surfing with a group of people. (“Surprisingly enough,” I don’t surf in real life. ) While wading out to catch the waves, some of us noticed a fin coming up in our direction. We screamed shark and began paddling in the opposite direction. Some of us were paddling really frantically, and I tried to get them to stop, because I knew that sharks go more after frantic (seemingly wounded) creatures than calm and stiller ones. No one was listening, though, and they kept on paddling for their lives. While we were retreating, the shark actually caught up to us, but submerged a bit and swam beneath us. I could see it clearly, in the water, and it was huge – wider than an oil drum and 4 times as long.

      It just swam right past us and kept on going.


      "Take It Outside"

      I was in someone’s house, deep in the hood. While walking up toward the door, a massive brawl broke out. There were about 30 people all going crazy in the yard. I remember fighting one guy, specifically, throwing some pretty precise punches and kicks at him. I was holding my own against the guy, and then more guys started closing in on me, as if I was about to get piled on. I didn’t want to get in the fight, in the first place, so I reached down and grabbed a pipe, waving off as many of them as I could, and cracking a couple of them with the pipe, in defense.

      It was then the following day. I was talking with a friend, in a store, telling him the whole story about what had happened yesterday. Afterward, we walked outside and started making our way somewhere. (Where, exactly, I don’t remember.) We came across a crowd of people, moving in and getting a better view of what they were watching. There was an illegal, organized street-fighting match going on. We stood on the side and watched for a while.

      I then remember pulling back into the less than refined neighborhood, and cops were crawling all over the place. I tried to leave the neighborhood as quickly, yet nonchalantly, as I could, but just as I was turning the car around, and undercover cop pulled up behind me and blocked the way. I remember something about trying to talk my way out of the cop’s interrogating me about what had happened yesterday, but not exactly sure how it turned out.

      Later, the cops were gone and I was back in the house I was in, the previous day. It had a pool table and my friend’s girl was playing a game with me, while her boyfriend was out taking care of something. After he showed up, we heard people moving around outside the windows of the house. The numbers apparently grew, and it was soon to be another crowd like had been out there, the previous day. It was the guy that I had been fighting, one on one, and he’d brought a bunch of friends with him. They kept trying to taunt me out because they wanted to get on me at the call our “mutual friend,” that I had fought, earlier. Sooner or later, I’d gone outside, but the only thing I remember is that the fight somehow turned inward and there were groups of the other guys fighting each other, while I was walking around between the skirmishes. Haha.


      "Dreamworld Trickster"

      I don’t remember very much of this one at all. There was some young guy running around my old neighborhood, causing trouble. He was a “metaphysical” character, and could change the dream scene as much as he wanted. I remember walking out into my garage, with a bunch of the neighborhood crew hanging around outside. This mischievous guy appears and starts “causing trouble.” (My notes just say “causing trouble.” I really don’t know or remember what I meant by that, or what the guy was actually doing.) I ended up becoming lucid while dealing with this stranger. I believe it was watching him do the impossible that brought me to the realization I was dreaming, but I’m really not exactly sure. In any case, I got into an argument with him, and told him that he was just a DC, and I had more control over all of this than he did.

      I suddenly felt the world spin, and the guy had disappeared as if he melted away into the scenery, in the blink of an eye. I turned around, myself, looking for him. He was nowhere to be seen, but I noticed that there was a new addition to the group of people around me. It was a thick, black woman, and she was standing much closer to me than anyone else around us – close than I remembered having seeing someone, before. I called out that I knew that this woman was the guy, who was causing all the trouble, in a transformed state. She tried to deny it for so long, but I told myself that I could ruin the illusion and strip him off the ability to force me to see his disguise, because it was my dream. (It’s funny that I still treat him as a separate entity, even though I’m lucid. Completely unintentional, but it does make it more interesting. Haha.)

      I asserted myself and visualized the disguise failing. It was like struggling against someone in a mental arm-wrestle, because the command didn’t just want to work on first attempt. Finally, it was like the body of the guy just kinda “sewed itself” into the place of the woman. He was really pissed that I ruined his illusion.

      Don’t remember anything after that.

      (My notes also say something about being back in my old house and our cats trying to get some food that was on the counter, but that’s pretty much all I remember about that, anyway.)
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    18. #1093
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      (Almost caught up! I've been really having a string of intense, fantasy-type dreams lately. It may have something to do with all of the action/adventure movies that have been coming out with this summer, since my imagination has been running so wild. I'm still having a little trouble with recall, lately, but I'm getting a little more serious about keeping my journal updated, so I'm sure my recall will be back up to speed.)

      "What Lies Beneath"

      I was with Ang. We were staying in some massive house, that I’m believe was supposed to be her parents’. There was no one else home, and we were basically running around the house acting like fools, the whole time. Haha. We were going in and out of every room and just getting into shit like a couple of kids. Well, apparently, this house had graves buried beneath it (and, for some reason, it just seemed normal that we knew this), and we decided to go downstairs and check them out.

      Expecting to see a couple of headstones at rest against a dank, basement wall, we ended up in a massive, underground tomb. It seemed about a football field in length, and nearly as high as a stadium. There was a single, huge coffin in one corner of the room, and many human-sized coffins spread out over the rest of the area. I remember there being something carved down into the lid of the largest one, but I can’t recall what it was. Ang and I opened the lid to the largest coffin and there was (appropriately enough) a big skeleton inside, filling out the maybe 12ft long box.

      The shit pretty much hit the fan, after that, and the dream became just insane. The skeleton began threading fresh flesh around the bones, coming to life and crawling up and out of the coffin. It turned into an older woman who was apparently very powerful. A crazy battle started between the three of us, and I remember grabbing a stone sword from one of the decorations lining the wall of the tomb. The scene descended more and more into chaos as all of the other decorations began coming alive, and bodies started ascending from within the coffins. The ground cracked open and bright orange lava began streaming in, between the slabs. A pirate ship, that had been on one of the paintings expanded to a near-life-like size and floated on the lava pools. Everything just went nuts and slipped away from any realism it had left, appearing more like a videogame than live action.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      I was at an apartment, this time, and Ang was supposed to be coming to visit. She pulled up in a friend’s car and was coming up the stairs. I remember her looking really cute.


      "Crazy Campus"

      (I don’t remember much of the beginning of this one, so I’m just going off my notes.)

      I was on vacation with Todd and Brian. We stopped in an arcade and I was playing for a game that I could play with two guns. (I’m always playing games like Lethal Enforcers and Area51 as both players, in arcades. It’s fun as hell. Haha.) I started getting the cold shoulder from them, and many of the other people around this place, but I don’t remember why. Throughout this place, the hallways seemed more like a school than a mall. Outside, I got into a fight with two guys. Don’t remember why that happened, either. One guy was really short and skinny, the other was seriously about 8 feet tall and with a 70-inch waist. Ridiculously huge. I took the short guy out easily and somehow took the big guy out in one hit, but I don’t know how. [color](My notes just say I “took him out in one hit.” I remember hitting him in the face with one good shot of something, I think it was my head, but I don’t fuckin remember…)[/color] After that, people were giving me props, instead of being shady. Some of us ended up on a field throwing a football. Something was making my arm feel really weak, and I was having a hard time getting it to the other person.

      Chase was with us as well. I remember some point where he was trying to get me to pierce my lip. He was showing me a spike, holding up near my mouth and saying that I should get it. Then he actually tried pushing it into my face and through my lip. It hurt like a bitch and wouldn’t break the skin all the way through. I tried to push him off, but he continued trying to jam this silver thing into my face. Finally, I pushed him back. He had been pushing so hard that the entire lower half of my face swelled up. I was really pissed at him, but everyone else was taking his side and telling me that I had no reason to get mad at him.

      Later, I remember running through the hallways of this place that looked more and more like a university campus. This strange guy in black clothes was chasing me through the hallways. I can’t remember the reason I was running from him initially, but it turned out to be something supernatural. In the middle of the chase, instead of the guy chasing me, it was now a girl. She had her hair kinda streaming down her face, like the chick from The Ring, but wearing nice, modern clothes. She wasn’t running after me, but hovering with the toes of her shoes just barely touching the floor, and sliding along the surface toward me. The closer she got, the more I could hear her calling my name in this eerie, ghostly tone, moving much faster than I was.

      This building was now a full-fledged school, I was approaching a group of people all rushing into the doors of their classes, which were just starting. The last door closed before I had a chance to get down there, and they were all locked. I beat on one of the doors as the ghost-like chick inched closer, arms down at her sides and just staring at me. Finally, the professor decided to let me in, and I rushed inside and closed the door. It was suddenly like the ghost had never been an issue, and I was now just in a normal class.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    19. #1094
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      ”Matchmaker” / “Militiamen” (Dream Chain):

      (Had some b6 and melatonin. Very vivid dream(s), and the "second" one was really intense.)

      I was staying in a frat house. The rest of the guys were out on some sort of trip, and were expected to be home the following day. My dad was visiting with me, and we wound up walking across the street to a convenience store, coming out with a few beers. I remember my dad already being really drunk and just tossing one of his empty beer bottle into the street and shattering it, on our way back to the house. Back inside, I went to sleep. When I woke up, my roommates had already returned home, earlier than expected. There was something that I was intentionally trying to hide, but I can’t remember what it was. All I know is that I had to keep moving it, stealthily, from place to place, because they all kept coming within a few seconds of finding out what it was.

      My mind was working quickly, to try to figure out a good hiding place. With the sharpening of my senses, I was able to deduce that this was an absurd situation, seeing as how I didn’t remember myself actually having roommates, or living in a frat house. I was beginning to suspect that I was dreaming, but I wasn’t quite sure. I looked at a lamp on a desk and tried to levitate it with my mind. It took a moment, and a few tries, but it finally floated up a few inches from the tabletop. I was definitely dreaming. Immediately trying to think of something to do, I went out into the hallway. Of course, the first thing to pop into my head was women, and how the place was pretty devoid of them, at the moment. I figured I needed to fix that.

      I began trying to manifest some women, which I don’t really have too much practice in doing. (Usually, they are just kinda “there.”) I opened up a room door with the assertion that I’d see one inside. It work…kinda. She was rather attractive…if not for the fact that she was a quadruple amputee and had no arms or legs. () One of my roommates jumped on it, though, and I ended up leaving them to their business and continuing on down the hall. I got to the kitchen and made the assertion to see another when I walked around the corner. Turning the corner, I saw that the refrigerator door was open and some chick was grabbing a beer. I was quite happy with myself that this was proving to be easier than I figured it would be, so I left this girl to one of my other roommates. Just kind of wandering aimlessly, I went back down the hall, looking for the third roommate, I figured I might as well hook him up with one, too, before manifesting one for myself. He was in the bathroom, shaving or something in the mirror. I glanced passed him, at the translucent, blue shower curtain. The only light in the bathroom was coming from behind the shower curtain, so I figured that would be perfect. I looked away for a moment, and asserted that there would be a woman for him in the shower. When I turned my head that way, I could see her body, through the tiny holes in the curtain. She was naked and I could tell she had a huge rack. The two of them started some small-talk, and I left them, walking back toward the living room.

      I was pretty much batting 1000 (aside from the amputee girl, but she wasn’t a total loss. Heh), so I was feeling pretty confident that I could make one for myself. I don’t even think this one took a conscious effort. She was just walking down the hallway toward me - a very cute brunette, who looked just like (and, now that I think of it, might have been) Britt. I put on some studly strut as I walked toward her like I was about to conquer some mountain. She busted my balls about it, though, and said she didn’t like how cocky I appeared. (Damn back-talking DC’s ) I said “Fine, how about this?” and I grabbed her and started dancing around the room like an idiot, making silly faces and just kinda flailing about with her. She absolutely loved it. She was cracking up practically going “Wheeee!” as we whirled around the living room. In no time, we were lying down on the couch and making out. We were kissing so intensely that it took me a minute to realize that she’d transferred the bubble gum she was chewing, from her mouth to mine – which was slightly disgusting, but didn’t ruin the mood. Haha. We ended up having sex on the couch and had to have fallen asleep afterward, because I was suddenly waking up on the couch again, and the girl was already gone.
      I was no longer lucid, and was trying to remember just what had happened. The dream began unraveling, shortly after that.

      (I began waking up, and could feel myself in the bed. I tried out a technique that I’ve been having some luck with, lately, and just completely relaxed my body while visualizing the dream I’d just had. This led to a successful dream chain, and I was back in the frat house. It happened so fast that I hardly felt like I’d left the dream at all – just pulled it back into clarity.)

      Dream One (b):
      It was now night-time. The girls from the previous dream were all back (though I didn’t notice the amputee at all), as were my roommates. We were hanging out in the living room, when, without warning, the front door burst open. A squad of (what I assume by their language, appearance, and what I’ve been reading in the news lately) Cuban (or otherwise Hispanic) militiamen stormed into the room, carrying machine guns. With plenty of kicking and screaming, they herded us up and walked us out of the house. We could see that they were taking us to an ammo shop / gun range that was down the street. It was concluded that we were being forced to train to so that we could help them fight in whatever revolution they were fighting. (Seeing as how none of them spoke English, how that was “concluded,” exactly, is a mystery to me, but their plan was explained to me by someone in my group.) My mind was racing, thinking of possible ways of escape. As usual, I began to question whether or not this was really happening. We passed a pile of scrap metal on the side of the road, and I glanced toward it, seeing if I could make it move with my mind. It wouldn’t budge, and I was getting more and more scared of our situation.

      They walked us around to the back of the ammo shop, and we had to jump over a small, chain-link fence to get into the firing range area. The fence was kind of gnarled and twisted, so I took a moment to think about the easiest way to get over it. In doing so, I noticed something surprising – My feet were no longer touching the ground! I was hovering a few inches over the Earth (I guess it was because I was thinking how to best elevate myself over the fence), and it proved what I’d been hoping. I was still dreaming.

      I set my feet back down, silently refusing to move any further. I felt the man behind me jab his gun into the lower-right side of my back, to push me forward, but I wouldn’t move. Instead, I began to laugh – this deep, sinister laugh – and turned to look at him. Fed up with my defiance, the man pulled the trigger, his barrel now pressed up against my gut. I felt the bullets shred straight through me – and it definitely hurt. I had to brace myself just to keep from succumbing to it, but I knew that this was a dream so, no matter how bad it felt, I had to remain in control. He practically emptied the clip in me and now my continuing laughter was mixed with a growl as I strained to take the pain of the gunshots, which made it sound even more demonic. I was actually surprised at it, myself. It sounded like Predator’s mock of Billy’s laugh, in the Predator movie. It was enough to completely scare the shit out of the gunmen. I began walking down the one that shot me, staring into his eyes and just letting out this ungodly laughter. Backing away from me, wide-eyed, he was so scared that he actually turned the machine gun on himself – putting it to his temple and splattering his brains all over the place – rather having died than face whatever supernatural being he thought I was. (I can honestly say that, even in fiction, I have never seen someone shoot themselves in the head with a machine gun. Given the guy’s role in the dream, I was more than mildly satisfied. Haha.)

      Another one of the gunmen raised the barrel of his rifle at me and started shouting something in Spanish. I was on a definite power trip, though, and just started stalking toward him. I held up one hand in front of me and he opened fire. The bullets started slamming against my palm and ricocheting off of it, Superman style (which kind of hurt as well. Like someone poking me with thumbtacks), and I never broke stride as I just walked right up to him. I stopped right in front of him and he just stared at me, terrified. I said “do you have any idea who I am?” (I don’t even know what I meant by that. It was just the first thing that popped into my head. Lol.) He answered back, with a heavy accent, “You’re the Devil!!” (That’s the second time I’ve had a murderous DC call me the Devil, because of my vengeful lucid antics. I’m beginning to like it. Haha.) Without using my hands as guides, I simply focused my mind on the guy’s body. Lifting my eyes a bit also lifted the man’s boots from the ground. Then, flicking my head toward the night sky, I flung the guy upward with telekinesis, sending him flying up into the black void. He never came down. Once again, the dream began fading and I could feel myself waking up.

      (Again, I stayed completely still, and tried to relax myself into falling back into the same dream. And, once again, it worked, just as quickly as it had the last time.)

      Dream One (c):
      It was daytime now, and I was outside the frat house. It had been raining, obviously, and everything was wet. The first thing I remembered was the “crazy dream I had the previous night” (thinking that I was actually awake, even though I was in my initial dream scene). I knew I had to write the dream down quickly, or I would lose it. I found a piece of paper and had a pen in my pocket, looking for something solid to write on. Everything was absolutely drenched, though, but I tried anyway. I put the paper up against a wooden beam and began taking notes on the whole affair with the militiamen, but the paper was getting completely soaked, and I knew it would be destroyed sooner or later.

      The girls from the previous sections of the dream pulled up in a pick-up truck. The one that I’d been with came up to me and said that they hadn’t found my dad, yet, but got the word out and people were helping to look for him. (Apparently, he was missing? ) Seeing that I was trying to write something down, and failing, she reached inside the truck and found me a tablet, asking me if I wanted to use that instead.

      That’s all I remember.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 09-02-2008 at 03:19 PM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    20. #1095
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      Hey, supreme!
      Yeah, I have different colors for my lucid dreams and for my "out of dream" thoughts. I don't know if my punctuation is perfect, but I try to keep it as accurate as possible. Haha. I'd like to see and hear some of your music and artwork, sometime. Don't hesitate to show it off!
      Haha, interestingly enough, I post the lucid parts of dreams in blue as well, but only because I was reading other people's entries and came across this one, where I just decided the format would be useful for people reading who just want to skip ahead and read about the lucid experiences.
      So yes I'm a dream-diary-format-thief.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    21. #1096
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      Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
      Haha, interestingly enough, I post the lucid parts of dreams in blue as well, but only because I was reading other people's entries and came across this one, where I just decided the format would be useful for people reading who just want to skip ahead and read about the lucid experiences.
      So yes I'm a dream-diary-format-thief.
      Haha. Well I'm glad you found the format snatch-worthy.
      Thanks for stopping in and checking out my dreams too!


      "Cops and Robber"

      I was who I could only describe as a “Wesley Snipes” type of character – someone that you would see him playing in some sort of action/espionage flick. I was being chased by the cops through a building that looked something like the 6-story building I used to work in. There were drastic changes in the architecture that made the building look really post-modern – almost “futuristic.” The incessant cat and mouse game took us up and down all of the stairs and elevators, throughout the building. I was trying to steal a large amount of money from a certain room, and fighting off guards along the way. I remember disarming some of them in the hallways, and getting into a couple of gunfights. Most of the time, I tried to stay out of sight and move as stealthily as possible. The details are pretty much lost, though.

      What I can remember, is that I died quite a few times, during this dream. And, each time, I would just respawn somewhere and try to get the money again. It was in a room that reminded me of a certain area of the “Bunker” stage of Goldeneye(64)[. After I got the case, one specific time, I ran up to the roof of the building and got into a helicopter. I didn’t know the first thing about flying a helicopter, but knew I had to get out of the building without going back down through the cops. I got the chopper going, and was able to ascend from the rooftop, but that was about as far as I got.

      The first time I crashed, I just kind of arced off of the rooftop, shifted a little to the right, and then plummeted back down to the street. The second time, I actually got the helicopter airborne enough to figure out how to gain a little control. I started flying forward with speed, and end up going a little faster than I knew how to pull out of. The dream took on a really video game-ish feel to it and, as if I was playing GTA, I felt the urge to just bail out. I ended up waiting too long, descending over a bridge/highway, and crashed the back end of the chopper down onto it. It exploded and I died yet again.

      This time, when I respawned, I was one of the cops. I was Lt. Gordon, from the movie The Dark Knight, and was leading the rest of the cops through the building, to catch the “other” me. As the cop/Gordon, I was tricked into the room where the money case was, by the Snipes/Me. The case of money was now switched out, and was a bomb. When I brought my squad into the room, it detonated. Again, it felt really video game-ish, when I died. The entire building was leveled with the explosives, and came collapsing down upon itself. Even though my body died, I still perceived everything happening, from first-person perspective. By the time I hit the ground and was covered by the rubble of the collapsed building, I knew my body was dying, but I was staring up into crushed stone and daylight as if my consciousness was still intact. I could feel a dull pain in every part of my body, but I still felt detached, as if I had already died, and my mind was still just…”experiencing.”

      Dream One (chain):
      "When Will I See You Again?"

      I was in a house that I figure was my grandmother’s, judging by the layout, and had to use the bathroom. The bathroom was completely unfamiliar to me. It had brown, wooden walls, and seemed to look more like the inside of an outhouse than like my grandma’s. I immediately realized that I was dreaming, because I had no idea where I actually was. I flew up to the ceiling, with the intention of phasing through and going out somewhere. I didn’t really have any idea of what to expect, when phasing through, and I ended up seeing a sort of gray and black void. Trying to keep from getting stuck, I pulled myself back down, out of the ceiling, and landed on the floor of the bathroom again. Instead of flying out toward the sky, I decided to fly forward, out of the bathroom, and toward the wall on the other side of the house. Concentrating on passing through the wall, I came to the other side, deliberately not planning on what to see, when I got out.

      I was in a skate park, standing down in one of the empty pools. There were a few people skating around me, but I really didn’t pay them too much attention. I flew up out of the pool, and landed on the side, thinking of what to do next. I remembered that I had been visiting DV before falling back to sleep, and I suddenly thought about the task of the month. The task was to eat something that was impossible to eat. The example was “…like a thought,” so I decided that I was going to try this. Not really knowing what to expect a thought to look like, I brought my hand up behind my head and plucked with my fingers, as if pulling out a hair. Bringing my hand back around in front of me, I saw that I had pulled out a little (almost cartoonish) bubble cloud – as if it were a thought bubble in a comic strip. It was a 3D object, though, but still looked completely animated. I popped it in my mouth and it tasted like cotton candy.

      Continuing to walk around, I jumped over a fence and walked out of the skate park. There was a suburban neighborhood and a lot of people were standing around in someone’s driveway. Apparently, some man had just gotten shot. He was bleeding from the side of his head as people crowded around. Somewhere in bustle of all of these people tending to this critically wounded man, I met a gorgeous chick that reminded me a lot of Amy Smart. We immediately hit it off, and were hanging around each other for pretty much the rest of the day. I began feeling the dream begin to fade, around here.

      Dream Two (FA):
      I woke up in my bed, and Cierra was prancing into my room. She was showing off a Disney outfit that she had, and I saw something that looked as if it was stuck on her shirt. I removed it, because it was apparently just out of place there, but then noticed that there were more of these odd “tags” all over her outfit. Supposedly, as ugly as they seemed, the strange little tags were actually a part of her outfit, and I had just ripped one of them off.

      Sooner or later, she jumped up on my bed and started chatting away about something. I reached over and began tickling her. Then, I began wondering how it was that she’d gotten over to my house, when I hadn’t gone and picked her up the night before. I realized I was dreaming. As soon as I realized this, though, the dream just completely deteriorated.

      (It fell apart and I was awake, a bit surprised at the empty space on the bed that had once been Cierra. I lay my head back down and relaxed my body, thinking about the first dream I’d had, where I’d met that girl and completed the task. Before I knew it, I was back asleep.)

      Dream One (b):
      I was back in the bathroom, and became lucid as soon as I saw where I was. Walking out of the bathroom, I noticed that there was someone in the room to my left, and went to investigate. Some chick was in there watching TV by herself. Without really wasting too much time, I walked in, said a couple of words, and we were soon having sex on the couch. Another girl came in, halfway through, and the girl I was with started going down on her.

      (The dream began fading, around here, but I lay still and found myself falling right back into it, before it seemed I ever fully awoken.)

      Dream One (c):
      I’m back in the street scene where the guy had gotten shot, already lucid. Meeting the same girl as I had before, we just hit it off the same as in the previous dream. I ended up spending what felt like a whole day with her, just going around and doing everything together. The dream seemed to last for a really long time, and by the end of it, I was really fond of this DC. At one point, I was sitting in a chair, and she walked up behind me, leaning down over me and giving me upside-down kisses so good that it made my pull slightly away from her, obviously regretting the fact that I knew she was just a DC. She actually acknowledged it by saying something about how she was glad that she made me feel that way, as if it was flattering to her.

      I kept thinking about the time, and that I’d gone to bed really late and couldn’t risk oversleeping. I knew I had to wake up so I could at least see that I hadn’t overslept, and that I probably would not be able to return to this scene, seeing as how I knew I had to get up soon anyway. I got up and said my goodbyes. I also asked (getting drawn, more and more, into the illusion) if I’d see her around, sometime soon. As if slapping me back to reality she said something like “You know enough about dreams to know the score. You may not see me for a long time, or I could be in a false awakening tomorrow.”

      I just sort of grinned, knowing exactly what she meant, and focused on opening my waking world eyes, waking up shortly after.


      All I remember is that I was in some post-apocalyptic world. We were going in and out of these structures that were hardwired with artificial intelligence. Something about using magnetic manipulation – like Magneto – made us able to rearrange chunks of metal, throughout the structures, and make some sort of strange manifestations of the artificial consciousnesses that controlled these structures. That is to say, I would move millions of pieces of metal parts around, with my mind, and stack them to make huge robot shapes that then moved around as if they were actual host-bodies for the central A.I. That’s about all I can remember of that, though.
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 08-19-2008 at 04:55 PM.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    22. #1097
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      I don’t remember very much of this one, but it had something to do with a massive tarantula in someone’s room. We were trying to get it out of the person’s room and knew we were going to have to end up picking it up. This thing was insanely big – like a goliath bird-eater or something (in the picture). The person kept trying to get me to pick it up and I wouldn’t do so without a rag or something to hold over it. We couldn’t let it just stay there in the room, though, so I carefully tried picking up, and it was freaking me out. Just feeling its legs walking over my hand was enough, but what made it worse was that this tarantula had a scorpion tail. It didn’t like being picked up, and every time I would try to grab it, the long stinger-tail would strike out at me. At one point, I covered the entire creature with the rag, but the tail whipped out from beneath the cloth and tagged me on the back of my hand. I was able to get rid of the spider, but I could feel the venom going through my body.

      Later, I remember walking around a park or something. I was feeling the after-effects of the spider sting, and it had given me a slight case of elephantitis. My balls had swollen to the point of being too painful to just walk around with. (Not a very pleasant feeling at all). There was a lot more that went on in this dream, but I really don’t remember any of it.
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    23. #1098
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      (Was baked. Don't remember a thing.)
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    24. #1099
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      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post

      i hate spiders. i would consider this dream a nightmare haha

      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      (Was baked. Don't remember a thing.)

    25. #1100
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      Quote Originally Posted by LifeStandsStill View Post
      i hate spiders. i would consider this dream a nightmare haha

      Hey, LSS.

      Yeah, I'm not all that fond of spiders either. I don't necessarily hate them, because they kinda fascinate me, but they still creep me the hell out. Haha.


      (It's been pretty much the same story, for the past couple of days. Too much sleep + a lil too much smoking = not very good dream recall.)
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