Hi everyone!
Here is my workbook, I'm a 34 year old married man, never knew anything about LDing 'til three years ago. Want to LD for entertainment and creativity, maybe practice skills (languages?) I've had a few LDs already.
I've been hesitant about signing up here at the DVA for like a year because I wasn't sure I would be able to keep committed to it because of my schedule. Just decided I'd never know if I didn't try.

Reality Checks:
- Nose pinch
- Finger through hand
- Digital watch (never used it in a dream)

Dream Signs:
- Conventions and other indoor crowded places
- My hometown / neighborhood / parents' home
- Wrath / Losing temper (I'm actually a quiet guy who never -almost- gets angry)
- Fictional characters (from comics, games, etc)

Short-Term Goals:
- LD once a week
- Exploring the dreamworld
- Float/Glide/Super-jump
- Find specific person/object

Long-Term Goals:
- LD almost daily
- Fly superman style
- Phasing
- Teleporting

Lucid/Dream Recall History:
- One, maybe two, dreams recalled per night if I put in some intention. One per week with no intention.
- LD count: 15 LDs (that I remember and journaled)
Year 2010 - 1 LD (when first found about LDing)
Year 2012 - 8 LDs (did some DJing and RCing)
Year 2013 - 6 LDs (from January to July)
- LD history: No LD more than 10 min long, very small control, but my main worry is lack of the Wow! feeling in most of them, in fact I still remember better my first pre-lucid than most of my lucids, don't know if the problem is low clarity, awareness, memory, or a combination of those. This is making me wonder if LDing is worth all the effort needed, and therefore not helping to keep me motivated, as my problem is I'm quite busy and on top of that I'm the kind of person that always tries to get too many things/projects/ideas working at once (and often not finishing them)
- Sleep background: My sleep schedule is like 9pm-10pm to 5am-6am depending on... many things. I've always been a deep sleeper, I pass out as soon as my head touches the pillow (more or less) and rarely wake up at night unless I'm very focused to do it. On the other hand my wife is just the opposite, so when I get up in the middle of the night (like, once in a month) she is like "Oh, woe, what happens? Are you ok? What's the problem?", "Love, I'm just peeing, go back to sleep" and then she won't be able to sleep for 30 or 45 minutes. Summarizing, proper WBTB it's difficult for me.

Current Technique:
- Short: DILD.
- Long: I'm a fan of LaBerge's works, and I believe that LaBerge's MILD, the one based in prospective memory, is a scientifically tested technique that has to work, but the truth is it's so difficult for me to do the proper "WBTB 60' + MILD" that LaB recommends, and it looks like all my LDs have been just random DILDs and I didn't feel they were linked to my MILD efforts (maybe I'm wrong) but rather they seemed spontaneous or backed by daytime RCs (until now I've been doing RCs for a week and then forgetting about LDing for a time, and so on) Lately, I've also tried auto suggestion, what most people call MILD (Mantra-induced) with no success.

Ok, I'll leave it here for now, and will check what I've missed from Lesson I when I can.

Tl;dr: Deep sleeper, want to have regular DILDs. Seems all my 15 lucids were spontaneous DILDs. Busy life-style + low level lucids (and/or bad memory) = lack of motivation and commitment.