So my introduction in my profile pretty much tells you about me if you want to know. But other than that, HI! Happy to be here! I had my first lucid dream last night after 14 days of diligent dream journal writing and RC's. It happened without the help of RC's however, I was driving and a guy cut me of and i thought "what an ass, I hope he crashes..." then he crashed! and I thought "wow, that was strange... and then I tried making a pushing movement with my hand to move the stopped car in front of me and it was shoved right out of the way and then it was like BOOM i was lucid! It was awesome and I cant wait to practice more RC's and try to have the experience more often. One thing I find myself doing is rationalizing RC's in my dream... how can I overcome this? one of mine is to look at my digital clock every time I wake to write in my dream journal, Ive had 2 false awakenings so far where I looked at the clock and it was all blurry and I couldnt focus it, I thought "hmm must be broken" then another time I went "must be out of batteries" (its plug-in).