My name is Lucifer, the dark lord of Hell.
When I don't try to trick souls from god or send messages to George Bush, I study quite much. My major is biochemistry but I want to be a neuro-psychopharmacology researcher in the future to help us to understand how our mind works.
I have had some quite persistent lucid dreams sometimes (for example calculating some physical chemistry to a piece of paper so that I could read the text later, making acrobatic stunts for hours, and controlling my dreams so that they are more interresting and pleasant) but nowadays they have been absent, as my former good dream recall (the body which I'm using is now 23 years old) and I have tried to get them back with quite lame results.
When I was surfing in the net trying to get EEG data got from sleeping persons, I stumbled to dreamviews introduction and got interrested. I realized that if I can be a god in my dreams, I can start to visualize everything what I want to solve even in awake and thus save enermous amounts of time and just perhaps realize something what can't be realized even with good computers (for example quantum mechanical particle movement of electrons at their orbitals). Ofcource having fun etc I another good point to have controls of ones' dreams, but I rather think lucid dreams as a useful tool which can enhance my capabilities.
Eventhough I'm really interrested in lucid dreams, I have so much work that I will be quite absent here. I think I start to post some stuff when/if I start to get some results. I really do believe that most of you here are quite interresting acquaintancies and look forward in reading your posts, but those people here who have some education in neurobiochemistry - biophysics - neurology -axis are my main favourites, and I hope that some you would contact me. Maybe we could even start our own topics sometime concerning these things.

Now I have to go, Bill Hicks is just starting his show about your last pope, take care.