Well about a month ago I became interested in lucid dreaming and since then I've made some great progress. I started a dream journal, and I remember at least 2 dreams almost every night now, and since then I've had about 5 lucid dreams induced by doing RCs within dreams. Last night is what motivated me to finally make an account on these forums. For a few nights I had been trying WILD to induce lucid dreams to no avail, but last night I followed CrazyInSanes guide. I woke up to the alarm without opening my eyes or moving, but I was in such an uncomfortable position with my legs all crossed that even though I started feeling some tingling I just had to move. I reset the alarm to go off an hour and a half later, and this time it just barley woke me up, I became aware for a few seconds and then just fell back to sleep, but then the next thing I knew I was conscious in my head, but I couldn't see any HI so I thought if I just opened my eyes I would be in a dream, so I opened my eyes and my room looked completely normal and it was like I was completely awake, so I pinched my nose and I could breath perfectly, and I went on to have my most vivid lucid dream yet. Would this count as having a WILD? It was like I fell asleep until it was time for me to transition into a dream and then I became conscious, I am just kind of confused to what happened but I want it to happen again!