Hi there, i found out about the term lucid dreaming in a film (dont remember which one but not inception)

Before i knew anything about it i had alot of sp's and it freaked me out alot of times, i thaught ghost/demons were taunting me or something and always got scared and tried to snap out of it as fast as possible.

About 10 years ago i had my first experience, i woke up in de middle of the night, went sitting in my bed and the first words out of my mouth were " 666 fuck the devil" dont ask me why i said this cause i have no idea, then i thaught i got attacked but now i know i got stuck in sp cause i could't move and heared creepy sounds around me, then i broke free and i was like, wtf???

The other night i woke up again, i saw a figure standing in the middle of my room, couldt see who it was but i had a shape of a human, the outerglow bright white and the rest was bright warm gold colour, it spooked me for a sec so i turned around, then i turned around again to see if it was still there but it was gone.

For me i was 100% sure i was awake cause i read somewhere on the forum a ld is never 100% like reality but this was.

You guys think it was a ld?

I am also a hsp (high sensitive person) so i remember all my dreams in every detail, even dreams when i was a kid, should ld with some practice be easier for me to achieve?

I had alot of sp last year when i slept at my ex's house, i didnt know yet what it was and she said the house was haunted so i got freaked out everytime i got sp cause for 1 i couldt move and second i heared screaming and other fucked up noices so got scared everytime and tried to break the sp.

I only had 1 ld so far if it can even be called a ld cause it lasted for like 10 seconds, with new years eve i lost my bb phone and that night when i went to sleep found myself standing in my room and picking up my phone from my table and then realised, this is wrong, i lost my phone, wait.... im dreaming, right after that i felt a really nice warm feeling inside, i walked to the window opened it and wanted to jump out but then i thaught, wait, what if this is not a dream and then i woke up.

I really like the WILD technique, but so far i only got to that hypno state and then i get to exited, also when im feeling sp my heart rate goes up real fast so then i break it any tips on that?

Also sometimes i feel my eyes go up and down real fast and then its really hard to keep my eyes closed so any tips on that would be much appreciated too.

I really hope i get some feedback cause on the ld forum in my country its really really quiet.
