I just joined this site

I have read most of the tutorials and everything seems so interesting. I have had some very vivid dreams in the past but not many in the past few years. When I was quite young (10 or 11) I remember having recurring dreams of a rolling penny that was huge, I have no idea what that was about. This penny reminded me of a large tire and I had to keep it rolling and make sure it would not fall over. I always woke up from this dream exhausted.

The only dream that I have had in the past where I could control anything was when I was almost flying, I could take big steps gliding before I came back down to the ground. I could also flap my arms to stay in the air longer and to gain altitude, but there was always a force that pulled me back to the ground (I could not keep flapping my arms to stay in the air).

I attempted to remember my dreams two nights ago and had two that I could recall, in the first I was talking to my neighbor and he was showing me what he bought from the grocery store. The other was weird, I was on a platform that had a spiral staircase going down in the center. I was talking to someone, I don’t know who he was or what we were talking about. In both dreams I was not in control, I was just along for the ride… In both of these dreams the scene was very small, other than the immediate surroundings everything else was black. I am not sure if there is anything I could do to get better detail?