Hey there,dreamers :-)

I am Simon,21 years old and I have been interested in lucid dreaming for a year now,with a lot of time in between forgetting how beautiful a LD actually could be.
I have started doing RCs two days ago,approximately 16 to 32 times a day,and have been trying to meditate for a couple of weeks now whilst in the bus on my way to work.
I have become more grateful for my hearing aids I have to wear since I was a baby,because turning them off to simply enjoy the silence has become amazing since my interest in spirituality,lucid dreaming and meditation as grown in the past year
My goals are to raise my self-awreness,enjoy life more in a spiritual way,become one with my surroundings and nature itself,find a lot of friends on this forum and of course experience my first lucid dream!

I hope I'll get to know a lot of friendly guys and girls and wish you all a nice evening :-)
Oh,and please don't be too harsh on my english-skills,haha