Just signed up and excited to become apart of this community, discovered LD couple weeks ago after i had 3-4 very vivid dreams in one night. This left me thinking about them all day and Googling dreams in general. After hours of LD research i decided i cannot miss out on this experience any more and started to learn everything I can about it.

I have a few books, audio books, binaural beats subliminal LD inducing videos and even self hypnosis audio to become lucid in a dream. Ive started a dream journal and have an app on my phone which reminds me 20 times a day randomly to perform reality checks which ive been doing.

My problem is, since starting all this research and techniques ive not had one dream that i remember, i rarely remembered dreams before but now im actively thinking about it it seems to have gotten worse. I understand everyone is different and before I can learn to become lucid i first need to become skilled at remembering my dreams.

Anyone got any tips for me or something i can try?

Thanks and looking forward to becoming apart of this community.