Hello Iīm new the forum, Iīve had several lucid dreams before but never self inducted, 2 of those dreams involved fear of not being able to wake up

One was a dream I was on something like an award show (a la grammys) surrounded by several beautiful celebrities who were intersted on me which seemed preety umpossible and tipped me on to the fact that I was dreaming, for some reason I tought that it was the devil senidng me that dream for tempting me onto staying slept and not waking up I decided I wanted to wake, as Iīve heard that on dreams you canīt die and when u dream that youīre gonna die you wake up beofre that I was looking for ways to kill myself on the dream so I coudl wake up, tried killing myself with a knife but the knife couldnīt hurt me, tried jumping from a window but for soem readon I didnīt fit trough the window, eventually I woke up spontaneouslly.....

The other involved a progression of at least 4 consecutive false awakenings which frustrated me and made me fear that I could not wake up.. .

I would like to practice self inducing my lucid dreams but Iīm afraid it may be dangerous for me due to this experiences, does anyone have insights on that?