Some of my friends are unsure about lucid dreaming/dream control. I have not had a lucid dream that i have remembered yet but i definetly believe that it is possible. Staring tonight i am going to be going to sleep around 11pm-12pm and will be waking myself up to record my dream at around 3pm. Is 3 hrs enough to have a dream that i will be able to remember when i wake up? Also, my main question was...Should i be able to have my first lucid dream that i can remember within a month if i follow my schedule of waking up and recording my dreams? I made a small bet with my friends that i would have one before March 10th. Wish me luck and leave any tips or comments that u feel like! Also feel free to add me to AIM. My AIM name is the same as my name on here. Thanks for all of your help!