• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jul 2006
      Hello and thanks for reading.

      This WILD thing caught my eye as i was researching meditation for stress relief.

      Well here's my story/question. When i was 16 i was very stressed and very angry. Now given those two facts plus i've always been able to sleep anytime anywhere. I would lay down to listen to music with headphones and could basicly "imgine" anything and could play it through in my mind, and this was a great escape for me. As i played things through i was in complete control, but it's as if i was wathcing myself and directing a movie.

      Now i believe i would indeed fall asleep, as 99% of the time i would get woke up from the tape finishing. Heres the weird part, as i got into this my body would shake and my palms sweat. Though i will say i don;t tihnk these were lucid dreams, and now that i'm much older i can't do this anymore(don't really want to either). Tho my stress and anger are still here lol.

      What is this? simply a defense to extreme stress? I know music can focus the mind as your body falls asleep.

      Side note, this WILD stuff, can you induce it while meditating, or do ya gota be sleeping. Id love a form of meditation where i can go to a happy place clearly in my mind for 30 min to an hour, even if i'm not in control just floating along heh. I've tried paxil, it made me a social animal VERY outgoing and speaking my mind when i shouldnt. then the dream looping came like a skipping record, so i quite the meds.

      Thanks for reading

    2. #2
      Senior Pendejo Tornado Joe's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Rock n Roll Capital
      Hi Xentec,

      Side note, this WILD stuff, can you induce it while meditating, or do ya gota be sleeping[/b]
      WILDing is actually a process or technique used to make your way into a lucid dream. It's like standing on the threshold of a doorway between being awake and being asleep. Therefore, to answer your question, yes, it can be done while meditating. Meditating is really part of this practice of silencing your mind and putting your brain on "standby" mode. This is something that happens as we fall asleep (well, to some extent at least).

      Once you're in a lucid dream, you will be in the "happiest place" you can imagine, should you do so. This also can be done, however, while in a meditative state, which is not sleep.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jul 2006
      South Carolina
      I'm practicing trying to find dream signs and recording them in my journal as of a few days ago. Last night, I woke myself up using my alarm clock, which wake me up around 4 hours after I fell asleep. I woke to find I couldn't remember anything at all, so I just laid back down. But as I was falling asleep, all these random flashes of events starting popping up, yet I wasn't sleeping. The thing was, I felt as though my palms were sweating/numbing and I was almost there. Also, all the events I saw were all dreams signs one way or another. Like one example was a little boy that had a few characteristics of a dog(ears and nose and a few other things). I didn't fall asleep, but I got up and wrote all the events down in my journal. After that, whenever I laid down again, I fell asleep almost instantly, but don't remember having any other events. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?
      "It takes an idiot to do cool things... That's why it's cool."


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