I had anouther set of lucid dreams last night and they are lasting much longer than they first did because im rememebering to remain calm. I figured out flying last night right after i stood at the end of a dock and made watter funnles shoot up to thesky. At first when i tried to fly i went fairly high then i plumited into the water, but then i tried again right from the water and wentr up, felt like i was going to fall again and tried to jump in mid air which worked wonders. From there on i was in control of my movements while airbourne. Also i met my first easily spottable DC. Hes a man that resembles an old freind of mine pushing a cart full of strangly colored flowers and baloons. He passed in front of my house when i first became lucid. I cant wait for my next. I should get plenty of sleep tonight, im off to work a double.