• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2006
      In the past week, I've had 2 definite lucid experiences, or atleast I've realized I was dreaming. In fact, in my dream, I was convincing my friend that I was indeed dreaming and none of what was happening was real. It was quite a peculiar situation. Anyways, once I've realized I'm dreaming, that's all I can do. The events are still totally random and bizarre. How do you do anything, like levitate for example? I've read quite a bit on here and one bit says, "Once you realize you are dreaming, try to levitate." My problem is I don't even know how to begin. Essentially, I am cognizant of dreaming, but I have no control over it, if that makes sense. I'm not sure. ANY advice would help.

    2. #2
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      What's up, Rishi? Welcome to Dream Views.

      Ok. Look at it like this: Your own imagination will, essentially, be your best tool when it comes to dream control. The best exercise you could get would be to ask yourself "What would trying to levitate feel like, if it were a waking world power, and I could move myself just by thinking it?" Would you try to 'support your weight' telekinetically? Would you try to 'pull yourself' from point A to point B, by focusing on that spot and 'rushing' to it?
      You'll have to let go of any thoughts of the obstacles of waking world physics. Don't think about having to fight gravity. Doubt of whether or not what you're doing is possible is going to counter any effort you put into doing the impossible. Simply know what you want to do and do it.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    3. #3
      If I'm here I'm bored. justme's Avatar
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      Im from Earth so stop asking.
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      Have you ever had any non-lucid dreams where you were flying or levateing? Whenever I have a non-lucid flyig dream the flying just seems so real. And then just imagine that in a lucid dream. You don't always have to start out levatating. You could try and make things appear and if you get the hang of that make a jet pack appear. Some of my lastest lucid dreams have been pretty bad, I just didn't seem to have controll. But whatever you do in lucid dreams don't panic .

      "There are two types of people in this world, people who think there are two types of people, and people who don't."

    4. #4
      Member Jimmie Lynne's Avatar
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      I can't control much in my lucid dreams either (I like to think it's because I have a supremely intelligent and logical mind. . . j/k . . . I'm not really all conceited. I'm just trying to cover up the fact that I'm rubbish at LDing). I think it comes with practice. The more time you spend dreaming lucidly. . . the easier things should become. If you can't fly right out of the gate don't get too focused on it. Try something else. . . explore . . . experiment. . . and whatever you do don't get frustrated. I discovered that to be a one way ticket back to reality. The more stuff you find that you CAN do. . . the more willing your mind will be to believe you can do even more stuff. . . if that makes any sense.

      Welcome to the forum and feel free to ask anyone that ACTUALLY knows what they're talking about (in other words, not me . . . I'm a noob) if you have any questions. Good Luck!


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