First time poster, long time reader

My name is Martin, im from sweden....23 years "young"
never had a LD......that i can remember -_-
Im sorry if my english is wierd sometimes and......sorry about the dots.....those are my pause and think dots....
About 6 months ago i heard about lucid dreams and i found it fascinating...
I only remembered a dream twice or so every year....
after a week i started to remember some dreams....
i started a dream journal and stopped after a month because it became unreadable most of the time.
i can hardly write in the dark and my hand doesnt seem to obey me most of the time.
now i can remember 2 or 3 dreams each night if i want to, most of the im angry at the alarmclock trying to turn it off and when im trying to remember......theres nothing.

now....for some questions....yay...more questions for you thats probably been asked before..

is there any tips for inducing LDs on a guy that only sleeps for about 6 hours each night?

and why am i accepting the reality of my dreams when im dreaming?...
once my brothers legs melted away......and im noding and agreeing to myself
"so thats what it looks like" when all that was left of the legs was bone.

ive never questioned the strange stuff going on in my head.

must i stop in the real world first and question the reality of it?..
should i say "am i dreaming?" and do reality checks
Right now im mostly turning on and of lights and testing to fly in hope that i might try that in my dreams.

ive been reading lots of posts in this forum all of you seems great and i hope that someday i will have an LD...nothing is impossible....just damn hard..

well...this is it for my first post....
thankyou for the answers <--(great smiley btw)