I was introduced yesterday to the HILD technique (Hypnosis Induced Lucid Dream) in the tutorials section as a way for me to wake myself up without an alarm clock (dont want to wake everyone up), just by telling myself I will wake up at a certain time before I go to bed.

I tried the technique, but I didn't want to try a WILD last night because I had to be up early, so I just followed the directions of the HILD but instead of telling myself to wake up at a certain time, I told myself I will have a vivid lucid dream over and over. I did the breathing/counting to 100 and my whole body was relaxed. I had trouble concentrating, though...not only was it difficult for me to imagine my body being weighed down (as instructed in the HILD tutorial) but for some reason my eyelids became a distraction and started hurting a little, possibly because I was forcing them closed for a while?
Has anyone else felt this? Eventually I did fall asleep but the lucid dream thought was not the last thing on my mind, and I had a non lucid dream which I recalled in the morning.
What's the best lucid dreaming technique for someone who has trouble falling asleep focused on the intent of having a lucid dream, or do they all require that? If so, i'll have to just keep working at it...it's only my third night since discovering what lucid dreaming was, and I've already had one extremely short but wonderful experience so i'm commited to practice.