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    Thread: Hola!

    1. #1
      Member waving on oceans's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Hey EveryONE,
      Im a new user and im feeling out the site. Im a 22 year old college grad...coming into the real world BUT what really interests me is the mind and that place where the real world's claim as being numero uno falls short. I have been dreaming (I guess lucid) since I can remember. Some of my first memories are dreams. When I very little I could nevr fall asleep right away. I would sit and ponder, review the day, and anticipate tomorrow. There was as window I would always look out and see funny shapes in the trees outside. Usually what would happen next is id find myself sitting on my bed in the room i had just fallen asleep. I used to sleep wiht my mom and my little brother, so I would look down at the bed (which was usually REALLY big) and see me, my mom, and my little brother sleeping. I dont remember saying "IM DREAMING!" as I don't think of it that way. I think my realization was more "Hey, im at that place where I am free" and then I would jump out the window and from their, many adventures.
      As I grew up my dreams began to change. The most significant turning point was once going into sleep, sitting on the bed, and finding myself in a very bad situation- as I sat on the bed I saw a creature emerge from the end of the enlarged bed. I began to scream for my mom and my brother. I was trying to get their attention. They could not hear me...I slowy watched in what was pure terror as I was confronted with something I had never seen before....well actually he looked kinda like a plastic toy I had at the time...his skin was rough snadpaper, in a bright orange color. His face was distorted, he was wearing a blue shirt. I didn't know what to do so I attacked. The creature fought back and we wrestled and the end of the bed. I remember distinctly going into 3-rd person mode and looking at me, wrestling with this creature, and seeing my mom and broher sleeping in the background. After this dream I specifically remember my dreams changing in a profound way.

      Later, im guessing within a month of this dream, I had one of my more usual dreams. I found myself looking out the window, knowing i was in my special place, and jumped out the window saying "Peter pan is coming to sprinkle me with fairy dust and we are going to fly!!" As soon as I said this I slowed down and floated down to the front lawn of my house. I sat their perplexed..."This has never happened before..." It was very sad! I sat there for a time. The last thing i remember is seeing me in third person and saying to myself, "He didn't come." This is important because, although I don't remember this person exactly, I have the impression of a dream memory of sitting with an older man on my roof and he would tell me things and he could help me fly. I remember bits and pieces of these dreams, such as flying over the buildings around my house, levitating in my house...etc. Parts I don't remember involve meeting other people, who i have the conviction were other dreamers, all over the place when I would dream. This is somewhat of a mystery in my dreaming- as if I lived in a dreamworld where I used to be in total control and then I was attacked and subdued in the dream world and somehow couldn't regain the dreaming which had brought me so many adventures which I cherished so greatly.

      Ok so sorry for the ramble, but real quick: I have been practicing dream recall off and on since I was around 13....with the specific intention of regaining lost ground. Since then I have encountered a dram-catacter, which I would describe as a ghost, fought with it and simply told it NO! Since that dream my dreams have changed yet again to where I have very vivid dreams often involving levitation, jumping around, and even flying....some are somewhat OBE as one I was walking along a canal close to my apartment. I looked across the river to see a low cloud of mist just over the other shore. I had the distinct feeling that an older man- perhaps a wizard or and avatar- being hidden just behind it. It was an amazing white and purple color, very soft. The moon was very bright. I immediately knew I was dreaming and the first thing i did was "I WANT TO FLY!" I zoomed straight up in the air above all the surrounding building and zoomed by several blocks. I was Id say 300 + feet up in the air when I saw my building below. As soon as I saw it I was "sucked" back into it, jumping from bed suddenly awake. I don't need to tell you how exciting this dream was to me! Since then I have such dreams fairly often, but I remember this being the first of many and few have been as "real" with a strong emotional experience and a little touch of OBE.

      Any whoooo.....sorry for the ramble, but that felt really good to get that out, talking to other dreamers. I am here because I want to meet other dreamers and explore more. I would like to have more recall and control my lucidity more....sometimes it carries me away.



    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Hey, welcome!
      I'm new around here, too, but I thought I should let you know that there are still people reading big posts, nice one by the way.


      P.S.:I'm not as good in writing big posts as I am in reading them.

    3. #3
      Member ShYne123's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2006
      CT USA
      ha sorry but im too tired and lazy in school right now to do more then skim over your post.
      (i usually just skip the very long posts)

      -anyway looks like post #1
      -Great having you here hope to cya around alot.
      -Its nice when new people come that now alot about Lding :-D
      LD - 14

      LD Genius

    4. #4
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Welcome to the forum ocean
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    5. #5
      aka MoT, MoTster, Shadow Dallian's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Under the bed (with the monsters)
      Welcome, Ocean&#33;
      Hope you have fun exploring.... definitely fun stuff to read and talk about.
      Bats are nocturnal.

      Adopted: Ceril ....Adopted by: NeAvO
      Ooh, I finally have a dream journal.

    6. #6
      Member Gwendolyn's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2004
      Love Street
      Welcome to the gang&#33; If you need any help, always ask&#33;
      Shine on, you crazy diamond!

      Raised: The Blue Meanie, Exobyte

      Adopted: MarcusoftheNight

    7. #7
      Member waving on oceans's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Hey guys and gals,
      thanks for the replys&#33;&#33; Anything I should know about the site?? Oh, I dont get all the WILD and whatnot phrases. I konw LD and DR are Lucid dream and Dream recall....but WIld just sounds like ppl are throwing things around, breaking stuff.
      Oh, and....how does the buddy or mentor thing work? Do I have to do anything??? Sexual Favors Anyone????


    8. #8
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Well there&#39;s a Tutorials Section and that has an Acronym List. So it should help with all these phrases.
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    9. #9
      Member waving on oceans's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Quote Originally Posted by NeAvO View Post
      Well there&#39;s a Tutorials Section and that has an Acronym List. So it should help with all these phrases.
      Thanks NeAvo&#33; I&#39;ll check it out


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