• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Hey everyone, I am going to tell you the story of how I stumbled upon this website and the surreal time I have had in the 6 months before hand. I guess there is no real question that I am asking, I am just looking for someone to let me know that it's not just me who has experienced what I have recently. You may think im crazy, but i'll try my best to help you understand. Anyway...

      I recently went on a short break with three friends to Amsterdam. One is a work friend, one is a friend in the band I am in, and the other is a friend who I have had for a long time, however, none of my friends knew each other. All through the weekend, I was doing a lot of 'thinking'. I was thinking about how everyones mind worked in getting to know each other, the way people acted, and the things they said. On the last night of the trip, we decided to buy some ecstacy from the town (we had tried everything else that weekend). Later that night, my work friend and my band friend went to bed, which left me playing cards in my hotel room with my long time friend. Somehow, we manged to get onto the topic of thought and psychology and had a very long conversation. It turned out that his mind was working in the same way as mine - analysing what other people were doing.

      Since then, every month, my long term friend has come back from uni and we have dedicated a night to having these long conversations about thought and the power of the mind. Sounds weird, I know, but it is fascinating. After a few conversations, I began to realise that it wasn't other people that I was analysing, it was me analysing myself and in a way, getting to 'know my mind' better. After lots of thought, it kind of dawned on me that the mind is the greatest power you have, and if you can control it, you will be a better person.

      I know my weaknesses, I will be honest, i'm not too good with my self confidence. Not all areas of self confidence, just a select few, such as talking in front of large groups of people. I know I have the capability to do this, everyone does, it just needs for you to control your mind into knowing that you have this capability.

      This weekend, something surreal happened. It was about six o'clock on a saturday morning after a house party at my friends uni, and I was in a room relaxing (no sleep) and another person, who I hadnt met before the party came into the room and started dancing. I knew he had taken drugs (presumably ecstacy or MDMA) and started to dance in one spot with his eyes closed. I thought it was just one of those stupid thing people do on drugs so I was laughing, but then he started talking whilst still dancing with his eyes closed.

      It was like a lecture aimed directly at me. It went on for like an hour, but I was the only one listening. He was talking about the mind and everything seemed to relate to what I had been thinking these past few months, but he seemed to have a better grasp of the concept. He was talking about meditation, and how it helps to relieve yourself of everything, so it is just 'you and your mind' so to speak. He went on to say that 'everyone has been gifted certain abilities in life to make you reach your ultimate goal and the only way to get there is to work it out with your mind'. 'The greatest way to work this out, is to control your dreams'. I know he wasn't talking nonsense because I could tell he was a very intelligent person. This made me think a lot.

      When I got home, I googled 'mind control' and this site came up. I was amazed that dream control was actually possible.

      The closest thing I have had to a Lucid Dream is when I was young. I had watched the film 'Jason and the Argonauts' and the skeletons sacared me. I was dreaming that I was lying in bed and a skeleton came in to the room and chopped my head off, I woke up immediately and everything seemed normal, but the exact same thing happened again. It really scared me as a kid.

      So, I have read the tutorials and am going to give this thing a serious effort. If anyone has read this far, well done, but only take what you want from it - nothing in life is going to be the same for any two people, especially in thought. If anyone has any similat thoughts though, it would do me a world of good, just so I know i'm not going insane! Thanks.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Hampshire, UK
      Nice to meet you An interesting read; the power of our minds is more staggering and powerful than any of us can even begin to comprehend- I'm going to be starting my first 'Dream Recall' night myself very soon; let me know how you get on, it's always nice to try something so new out for the first time when you know that there's someone else going through the same thing!

      See ya around,

    3. #3
      Member 13redfan's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2006
      LD Count
      Cape Town
      Heya guys

      Yeah it is pretty awesome the first time you hear about things like this... I remember when I first stumbled across the site and the subject, I was amazed and overwhelmed and it changed my life!

      So good luck with the LDs, see ya round the forums
      Read my writing at: [link to merchandise removed],[link to merchandise removed]

      When once you have tasted flight,
      You will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
      For there you have been,
      And there you will always long to return

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Michigan, USA
      Yes I agree minds are extremly powerful. Plus the fact that we apparently use only about 2% of them...or was it 5%? Can't remember. Anyway welcome to the site, as for your experiance with the lecturing dancer, I've only had that stuff happen in dreams.
      Dream Journal
      "....If I knew everything, all the doors would be open but there would be nothing to see or hear."


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