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    Thread: I'll Try Again

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2005


      I suppose I could do the standard newbie introduction, but it doesn't really feel right since I already registered before, and this happens to be an account I almost forgot about until I entered my email and got a username sent back to me.
      But I guess I'll do an introduction anyways. I didn't realy post that much, anyways.

      Hi everyone!

      I'm not that new to lucid dreaming, and I've already had several experiences. It's a topic that endlessly fascinates me, and I can spend alot of time analyzing my own dreams just for fun. I already know several of my dream signs and dream themes. I've mastered flying, creating objects and people, and changing the environment.
      For whatever reason, most of my dreams start as near-perfect replays of previous dreams. The dream starts the same way, but because it's a repeated dream, I can usually make sure I don't end up getting eaten by the werewolf I know is around the corner by summoning myself a katana or whatever else seems fun to use. From the corrected mistake, my dream splits off and becomes unique. Basically, I'll have a bunch of dreams that end differently, but started the same. The repeating dreams is probably the only reason I'm so good at controlling my dreams, because it's a pretty obvious dream sign when you notice the exact same things happening two or three times. (Note: I've never experienced deja vu in real life, so reapeating stuff is even more noticable for me).

      For the last year or so (I've kind of neglected my dream journal so I'm not sure) I've noticed that I'm becoming lucid less and less. The thing is, my ability to dream control hasn't. It's kind of like dream control has become such a natural part of my dreaming, that I don't even need to be lucid anymore. Although I don't get the same wonder and awe at being lucid, it's really easy to do whatever I want without having to worry about becoming lucid first. It's also pretty much impossible for me to get nightmares, because even if I get eaten/maimed/whatever, I just rewind the dream for a more desirable outcome.

      I was just curious if anyone else controls their dreams without lucidity, since dream control is one of the main reasons for becoming lucid in the first place.

    2. #2
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      Welcome back Loopydoop.
      That's a fun sounding name, by the way.

      I have had crazy control in non LDs before. I know alot of others around here have too. On the flipside, Ive had perfect lucidity in a dream with absolutely no control. It can go either way. Don't get too cozy in your dreams, they sometimes turn around and bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

      Anyway, welcome back and best of luck getting regularly lucid again.


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