Hey all, I just joined, I figured I should stop being a lurker and start posting.

Anyways, I think I've had one Lucid Dream a few months back, when I first started to get interested in LDs. I'm not sure if I could actually control what I was doing, but I know that I realised it was a dream.

Today I woke up a little early and decided to try a WILD. I figured that even if it is harder, I might just be weird and it might work for me. I was asleep for about 7 hours, then stayed up for a little while. I layed down, but nothing really happened. My one hand started to get tingly, but I think that was probably because I was lying on it. Some visions started to come to me, but I could still control my body and make it move. I tried for half an hour or so, but eventually gave up. Is there any way to keep this from happening?