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    Thread: Hi!

    1. #1
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Smile Hi!

      Hey, just introducing myself to the forum - and lucid dreaming, for that matter. I've had an interest in lucid dreaming for quite a while, but never took it very seriously until recently. I have yet to look thoroughly through the forum, but I'd like to describe my dreaming experiences anyway.

      For a long while, I thought I didn't have any dreams. Of course, I learned later on that I do have dreams and began a dream journal. I can currently remember about 1-2 dreams per night, a small accomplishment for some, but one that took me many months to achieve. My dreams, however, occur much differently from most dream accounts I've read up until now.

      When I dream, I really don't see, hear or feel anything. It's more like my head is narrating a story to me and I get to sit there, process the story and acknowledge it. I don't have pictures appear in my head at any point during the dream, but I could tell you what happened in the dream after it's over. Almost like my subconscious mind can only read the subtitles of my dreams.

      My experience is rather frustrating compared to all the wonderful descriptions I've heard of dreams, and I'm very eager to achieve such a state. I understand it could even take years before I get there, but I was hoping others could shed light on some aspects of my situation -- such as whether it is common and if anybody has been able to achieve lucidity from a condition such as mine.

      Now, on to reading this bountiful forum! I look forward to any advice and hope to stick around
      Last edited by pokilty; 07-18-2007 at 03:01 PM.

    2. #2
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      Well you seem to have made a good start to increasing you dream recall... Your description of your dreams happens to me quite a lot, but I also have 1st person dreams, where I'm doing something. Try waking yourself up 1-3 hours before you get up and try to remember your dreams then, as I've heard that you get 3rd person dreams more towards the beginning of the night, and more conscious 1st person dreams later in the night.

      Also, don't hesitate to startdoing reality checks, which means questioning whether your dreaming or not. I'm not sure if you've looked at the tutorial section yet, but if not then do so soon. It's very helpful in teaching you about all aspects of Lucid dreaming. I suggest you start with looking at DILD and MILD, the two methods most suitable to new Lucid dreamers.

      PS. Welcome to the forum, you'll love it.
      Last edited by Lord Toaster; 07-18-2007 at 03:08 PM.

    3. #3
      mr. magic letter Achievements:
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      I can't share your experience because I often dream the opposit... that means, I hardly speak or hear someone speaking, most of the time I see self-explaining sceneries or then I know (maybe telepathically) what dream characters want to say.

      Maybe you could try to watch a good movie just before going to bed. Maybe you're influenced then by the images instead of text...

      It's, however, possible that you are someone who has a (I can't remember the technical term) memory that has you showing text instead of images (which is the most common) holy, I think I'm confusing... Example: is it like that, when you think of a "tree" you usually don't see it with your inner eye but the letters of word "tree" themselves?

      Hey, don't get frustrated anyway, that will prevent you from achieving what you want to do... So, try to think before falling asleep that you WILL have a dream with feelings, emotions and loads of images. By keeping doing that you'll finally have those dreams, I'm sure.

      and btw. welcome to Dreamviews
      Fantasy is much more important and more valuable than Knowledge because Knowledge is limited... --- Einstein

      Current Top 3 LD tasks (see all):
      [X] have an LD
      [_] summon yoda who teaches me how to use the Force and lightsabres on it now
      [_] meet the main characters of my fantasystory on it now

    4. #4
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Wow, fastest replies I've gotten on any forum, thanks a ton guys!

      Lord Toaster, I actually tried for the first time last night waking up 1.5 hours early, staying up for 30 min and sleeping the last hour out. I certainly remembered my dream much more easily this morning, but again, it feels like a very low level of lucidity compared to where I want to be. I'm not familiar with DILD, but I've been trying MILD for a good amount of time now - I'll be sure to look more into both.

      And thanks for your input stuetzl, I don't find your description confusing at all. I think my dreams are similiar to the text dreams you describe, so I'm going to look into that next. And I'll certainly try to keep confident about my situation, especially since recently I've been noticing minor improvement here and there.

    5. #5
      mr. magic letter Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      Wow, fastest replies I've gotten on any forum, thanks a ton guys!
      No prob. Since the forum is international (US, Europe, Far East, and even a few Asian, as far as I know; correct me if there are more), it is highly probable that someone is awake and in the forum to write you a reply

      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      And thanks for your input stuetzl, I don't find your description confusing at all. I think my dreams are similiar to the text dreams you describe, so I'm going to look into that next. And I'll certainly try to keep confident about my situation, especially since recently I've been noticing minor improvement here and there.
      No prob again. However, I wasn't just referring to a sort of dreams but to a way of thinking. The majority of people's thoughts are pictographic ones, meaning when they think they see pictures like in a movie.
      There is a minority of people, however, whose thought tend to be in bookform, meaning the think not of the things but of the names.
      Don't ask me where I picked that up, I think it was a primary school teacher that explained it to us and gave the example of his wife being a "textual mind" (<-- it's not the right term, I just call it like that).
      And maybe you're one of those or maybe it's just a complete nonsense of my mind telling me that a primary school teacher once said that you never know
      Fantasy is much more important and more valuable than Knowledge because Knowledge is limited... --- Einstein

      Current Top 3 LD tasks (see all):
      [X] have an LD
      [_] summon yoda who teaches me how to use the Force and lightsabres on it now
      [_] meet the main characters of my fantasystory on it now

    6. #6
      Mind Tinker Volcon's Avatar
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      Hallo! welcome ^_^
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    7. #7
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by stuetzl View Post
      There is a minority of people, however, whose thought tend to be in bookform, meaning the think not of the things but of the names.
      This seems to be precisely the case for me. I've discussed thoughts with friends and family, and they all seem to be surprised that I can't remember pictures. I already know that my memory is considerably poor, and I practice various mnemonic techniques to strengthen important information. But even now, if I tried to picture my brother in my head (who I've lived with my whole life) I couldn't do it. My greatest fear is that this limitation on my memory also defines my limitation on the vividness of my dreams, but I'll give it my best shot nonetheless

      Thanks for the welcome Volcon!

    8. #8
      mr. magic letter Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      This seems to be precisely the case for me. I've discussed thoughts with friends and family, and they all seem to be surprised that I can't remember pictures. I already know that my memory is considerably poor, and I practice various mnemonic techniques to strengthen important information. But even now, if I tried to picture my brother in my head (who I've lived with my whole life) I couldn't do it. My greatest fear is that this limitation on my memory also defines my limitation on the vividness of my dreams, but I'll give it my best shot nonetheless
      I wouldn't look at it as being limited... I can't imagine fully how it is to think like that, but I can imagine that you aren't that bad in writing texts, right?

      Maybe you should do some research, for I'm convinced that you're not alone. Perhaps you find people having the same problem.

      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty
      But even now, if I tried to picture my brother in my head (who I've lived with my whole life) I couldn't do it.
      and btw. picture faces in one's head is not easy I have difficulties with that as well. Now that you're telling me that, I can neither really picture my brother's, nor my parents' faces in my mind, too.

      Are you reading books btw? Maybe it could help you to read Fantasy or Science-Fiction books in order to kind of activate your pictographic imagination...
      Fantasy is much more important and more valuable than Knowledge because Knowledge is limited... --- Einstein

      Current Top 3 LD tasks (see all):
      [X] have an LD
      [_] summon yoda who teaches me how to use the Force and lightsabres on it now
      [_] meet the main characters of my fantasystory on it now

    9. #9
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      You have a good point, I'm not a poor writer, although my mind is more technically inclined rather than creative.

      I do read fairly often, so I don't think that's a solution I'd pursue. However, even though it's out of scope of dreams, I would like a way to improve my "pictographic imagination" if anybody has suggestions for that as well!

    10. #10
      Was Once Jordan M.G.
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      Welcome, Polkilty! As you can tell I'm new to these forums also. I wouldn't really worry about your dreams being limited to any abilities you lack in waking life. I'm a pretty bad visualizer, but I still have vivid dreams from time to time. I can visualize things if I put some effort into it, but generally I also think in words.

      You're a game coder? That's exactly what I want to make a career out of later on! I tend to lack the long-term motivation to work on it now, however, but maybe things will change in college.

      Also, if you wanted to improve your imagination, perhaps you'd want to try the Visualization method of induction (VILD)? It's probably not the easiest technique to begin with, but it would certainly help your visualization skills. I haven't really tried it much because I'm so easily distracted. :p

    11. #11
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jordan M. G. View Post
      I'm a pretty bad visualizer, but I still have vivid dreams from time to time. I can visualize things if I put some effort into it, but generally I also think in words.
      Thanks, it makes me feel better that somebody can finally relate!

      Quote Originally Posted by Jordan M. G. View Post
      You're a game coder? That's exactly what I want to make a career out of later on!
      Yes, my major is Computer Science with a specialization in Game Programming. It's a very narrow field and often difficult to find a job in, so my suggestion to you now is to make sure it's really what you want. I see you live in Vermont, which could be a problem - nearly all serious gaming companies are in New York, California or Tokyo, so please consider that as well. I'm sure you understand as well, that it is nothing like playing games.

      If none of that phased you, then welcome to the exciting world of making games College will lead you in the right direction, so don't worry - knowledge and experience comes sooner than you think!

      Quote Originally Posted by Jordan M. G. View Post
      Also, if you wanted to improve your imagination, perhaps you'd want to try the Visualization method of induction (VILD)?
      I've never heard of any visualization improvement methods - I will look into that now, thanks!

    12. #12
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      When I dream, I really don't see, hear or feel anything. It's more like my head is narrating a story to me and I get to sit there, process the story and acknowledge it. I don't have pictures appear in my head at any point during the dream, but I could tell you what happened in the dream after it's over. Almost like my subconscious mind can only read the subtitles of my dreams.
      Hi Pokilty, and welcome to the forums.

      I can relate just a bit to this description, though I usually have realistic first-person dreams. There are occasions when I'll have a purely "story" dream without visuals, and even sometimes have dreams that are purely aural, without any visuals or story! (Just sounds and/or music).

      Never having pictures at all seems very unusual to me. I wonder what form a lucid dream might take if there were no imagery? Makes one wonder!
      We now return you to our regularly scheduled signature, already in progress.

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      What Sky Saw - a lucid dreaming journal

    13. #13
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      Never having pictures at all seems very unusual to me. I wonder what form a lucid dream might take if there were no imagery? Makes one wonder!
      Well my dream style seems uncommon, like I feared. In that case, I'll make sure to share discoveries I make as I progress to ease people who might show up with the same situation I have

      On a side note, I find it ironic that it's unusual for people not to see pictures when they dream while my girlfriend is the polar opposite - she has had lucid dreams daily for as long as she can remember!

    14. #14
      mr. magic letter Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      Well my dream style seems uncommon, like I feared. In that case, I'll make sure to share discoveries I make as I progress to ease people who might show up with the same situation I have

      On a side note, I find it ironic that it's unusual for people not to see pictures when they dream while my girlfriend is the polar opposite - she has had lucid dreams daily for as long as she can remember!
      I'd be curious about your dreams btw. Would you mind starting a dream journal here in DV? I think I wouldn't be the only being curious about your dreams out of texts (ok, that last one was exaggerated but nevermind)

      and your girlfriend can be quite a lucky one. Sounds like, she's a natural... I suppose it was she who has made you curious about LDing, right?
      Fantasy is much more important and more valuable than Knowledge because Knowledge is limited... --- Einstein

      Current Top 3 LD tasks (see all):
      [X] have an LD
      [_] summon yoda who teaches me how to use the Force and lightsabres on it now
      [_] meet the main characters of my fantasystory on it now

    15. #15
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
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      Hey welcome to the forum. I dont think it will take you years, there are loads of experienced people here to help you out.

      Just curious, who is that in your Avatar?

      Oh and welcome to DV

    16. #16
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      Welcome to the forum

    17. #17
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by stuetzl View Post
      I'd be curious about your dreams btw. Would you mind starting a dream journal here in DV? I think I wouldn't be the only being curious about your dreams out of texts (ok, that last one was exaggerated but nevermind)
      Sure, I wouldn't mind starting an online dream journal. Although, I think you'll find my descriptions of dreams to be rather normal - its the way that I receive it that boggles me. Also, give me some time to create a decent amount of dreams - I don't want to post fluff either!

      Quote Originally Posted by stuetzl View Post
      and your girlfriend can be quite a lucky one. Sounds like, she's a natural... I suppose it was she who has made you curious about LDing, right?
      Actually, I was interested in LD before I met my girlfriend. She thought that everybody had LD and she was really surprised to find out that she has a gift. She still doesn't even believe me sometimes... maybe she'll pop up on this forum some time :p

      Quote Originally Posted by AdamA View Post
      Just curious, who is that in your Avatar?
      Utada Hikaru, my favorite singer. She is Japanese, born in NY, and one of the biggest J-Pop stars in Japan. Lots of information if you Google You might know her song "Simple and Clean" from the intro of Kingdom Hearts.

      Additionally, I'll add her name to the image so the whole world can find out!

      Quote Originally Posted by Infraredkelp View Post
      Welcome to the forum
      Thanks for the welcome! ^^
      Last edited by pokilty; 07-19-2007 at 01:07 AM.

    18. #18
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Just got EWLD in the mail this afternoon, I can't imagine what I haven't already learned from reading all the information on this forum!

    19. #19
      mr. magic letter Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      Just got EWLD in the mail this afternoon, I can't imagine what I haven't already learned from reading all the information on this forum!
      I can imagine... But EWLD is far better structured. Here there's thread about this, there about that... No offense against the forum but LaBerge has a very easy understandable and legible way of explaining complexe things simply... so, have much fun with the book!
      Fantasy is much more important and more valuable than Knowledge because Knowledge is limited... --- Einstein

      Current Top 3 LD tasks (see all):
      [X] have an LD
      [_] summon yoda who teaches me how to use the Force and lightsabres on it now
      [_] meet the main characters of my fantasystory on it now

    20. #20
      Was Once Jordan M.G.
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      Quote Originally Posted by pokilty View Post
      Thanks, it makes me feel better that somebody can finally relate!

      Yes, my major is Computer Science with a specialization in Game Programming. It's a very narrow field and often difficult to find a job in, so my suggestion to you now is to make sure it's really what you want. I see you live in Vermont, which could be a problem - nearly all serious gaming companies are in New York, California or Tokyo, so please consider that as well. I'm sure you understand as well, that it is nothing like playing games.

      If none of that phased you, then welcome to the exciting world of making games College will lead you in the right direction, so don't worry - knowledge and experience comes sooner than you think!

      I've never heard of any visualization improvement methods - I will look into that now, thanks!
      Of course I'm sure about my chosen field. I've actually had that as my job of choice for several years now. I don't really mind moving after I graduate, and I have been wanting to spend time living in a city. I am specifically looking at Champlain college right now -- they have a 4-year degree specialized in game programming.

      I too would be interested in reading your dream journal (although I can tell you now, I don't think mine will interest you very much :p), and I do hope to pick up EWLD at some point. I just had my dad order Getting Things Done and a book about procrastination the other day though -- it's one of my biggest internal roadblocks IMO -- so that will have to wait.

    21. #21
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      I thought that was a pic of you in your avvy

    22. #22
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      Lol infrared.

      I like her songs actually. And she can actually sing English, which is a good plus. It always sounds so bad when a Japanese singer tries to add English words to their songs... stick with Japanese please, I can listen to English songs whenever I want! Haha.

      Anyway, I welcome to the forum on behalf of the staff here at DVs. Enjoy your stay.

    23. #23
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jordan M. G. View Post
      Of course I'm sure about my chosen field. I've actually had that as my job of choice for several years now. I don't really mind moving after I graduate, and I have been wanting to spend time living in a city. I am specifically looking at Champlain college right now -- they have a 4-year degree specialized in game programming.
      I'm glad, I hope it goes well for you! Never heard of Champlain college personally, but going to a college that takes game programming seriously is definitely a plus.

      Quote Originally Posted by Infraredkelp View Post
      I thought that was a pic of you in your avvy
      If guys started looking like that I might consider being gay.

      Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
      I like her songs actually. And she can actually sing English, which is a good plus. It always sounds so bad when a Japanese singer tries to add English words to their songs... stick with Japanese please, I can listen to English songs whenever I want! Haha.
      Yeah, her native language is English so she can pull it off very well. A lot of J-Pop singers have such a strong accent, you never realize they're even trying to speak English! She has an album of English songs called Exodus if anyone is interested, although personally I think her Japanese songs are superior in every way to her English ones because she tried too hard to cater to the "American style" of music.

      Again, thanks for the welcomes guys!

    24. #24
      Game Coder pokilty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by stuetzl View Post
      I'd be curious about your dreams btw. Would you mind starting a dream journal here in DV? I think I wouldn't be the only being curious about your dreams out of texts (ok, that last one was exaggerated but nevermind)
      Started my online Dream Journal! Here you go:


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