NEARLY lucid for the first brother has been telling and discussing with me about lucid dreaming, it seem's to be very intresting and exciting I really want a level 10 lucid teach some dream characters a thing or two about a thing or two heh heh heh.
the dream went along these lines, - level four i think.
I woke up (well not really the dream sort of just began)
in my mums car and she was driving me to school, as she does every weekday. but when i fell asleep it was saturday...AND school has broken up for 6 weeks now anyway, i got out with out saying bye to mum or anything and she drove off down the road to work happily.
i walked to my schools front gate and saw my cousin he asked "what lessons do you have today?"
i replied "i dont care i just need a piss"
so we walked trough into school but the interior layout was all diffrent
the walls aren't usually white and green trim and also walls where there arent and also walls arent where they were.
but i thought nothing of it so i countinued trough a door even though i didnt know where i was going i ended up at the toilets
the doors were locked and other students where waiting to use the toilet aswell so i sat down and waited.
and about four miniutes later my cousin, ryan and another student from school who i recognised but do not know his name lied down on the chairs.
and i just said "what are you doing?....are you three gay?" laughing to myself.
then i got bored and decided to do a reality check so i counted my fingers..
1.....2.....3.....4.....AND THATS WHEN I WOKE UP!
strange thing though, i needed the toilet when i woke up.
i was seconds away from having a lucid dream
i have already done two reality checks while typing this, soon i will have my first, and i llok forward to it
(i guess ive dreamed of school becuase ive been sub-consiously thinking about breaking up ect.) i'm a new user and i hope that i can endure lucid dreaming soon wish me luck and respond to me please!