Hey everyone, i'm new here. I had what i now realize was a lucid dream ( or just a very vivid normal dream)while taking a muscle relaxant for an injury a few years ago-needless to say, it was perhaps the most interesting thing i have ever experienced, and i'm very happy to have stumbled upon this website.

Here are my newb questions:

1. I hardly ever remember my dreams...maybe once every 3 weeks or so Could anyone give me a sense of how long it takes to be able to achieve lucidity from my low level? I'm sure it varies from person to person, but an estimate from a pro would still be nice.

2. How detailed are lucid dreams? Does being in a lucid dream feel the same as normal reality (with the added bonus of superpowers)? Can you turn your head/look at objects aroudn you and see detail?

3. Any tips you'd like to give a newb?

Thanks for your responses! I'm very interested in achieving LD...hopefully i'll be a regular member of this site!