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    Thread: WILD attempt

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      WILD attempt

      Hey everybody!

      So last night, I was trying a WILD, and it didn't work. I think I was focusing too much on my breath that I wasn't relaxing. But anyway, I have a couple of questions.

      From what I gather from the WILD tutorials, it is pretty much just going to sleep while staying conscious. You can do this by counting, or saying to yourself that you are dreaming over and over (please correct me if I am wrong).
      Then you lose control of your body, and the WILD comes. What's strange is before I knew about lucid dreaming, when I was younger, I must have "woken up" right as I lost control of my body, and it felt like there was a dark sheet over my eyes and I then I got back control. Last night I got bored and stopped trying.

      It seems like WILD'ing would be more effective than DILD'ing, which I have had 2 lucid dreams doing. DILD's seems to only work if something in the dream presents itself. Which should I look into more?

      See ya.
      My 9 Songs:
      Stability Stirring Movement Roots
      StraightShot Byakugan Body Purge Concealing
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    2. #2
      Horseradish Taste Tester Blargh's Avatar
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      Your description of WILD seems pretty correct, I've never done it successfully so I can't be entirely sure on that one. As for WILDing being more effecting than DILDing, it really depends on the person. If you're like me and never had a DILD before learning about lucid dreams then practicing WILD a lot could well be more effecting, but if you're a natural and have them all the time then maybe you're happy just sticking the the DILDs. There really is no need to pick one method over the other, as WILD really only needs to be practised when you're falling asleep, but for DILDing, there are several things you can do throughout the day to increase the occurence of them. Just read some tutorials, learn everything you can and if you feel one method is proving more effective keep at it.
      Good luck

    3. #3
      Member NewDreamer's Avatar
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      One has more control if they can effectively WILD, pretty much anytime , anywhere that you sleep, you can induce a Lucid dream,

      while... a DILD, a lot of times it is up to spotting a dreamsign, or having some sort of cue that will wake you up to the fact that you are indeed dreaming,

      Effective WILD, is like being the driver of a vehicle and driving yourself to the Mall you want to visit, while DILD, is like being the sleeping passenger in the car, hoping to wake up and find yourself at the mall ...

      ok ok.. so -so analogy

      Yes some are more natural at DILD's, while others are better at WILD's,

      Whichever feels more natural to you, probably work on that one and develop it further

      But dont ever give up one or the other,

      Just as a martial artist may be good at the punching , does not mean he should neglect the kicks, or vice versa..

      Develop your natural abilities and build up the rest

      Cross train in your lucid dreaming!

      - The Ultimate measure of a man, is not where he stands in moments of comfort , but where he stands in times of trial and controversy - Martin Luther King Jr.- We can all gain the same objective through love rather than hate, compare it to the police officer that takes to the streets to take down the criminals he hates, and the officer who is on the streets to protect those whom he loves....--It dosent matter how much you know, its how much people learn from you- wise words from a good friend

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by NewDreamer View Post
      Effective WILD, is like being the driver of a vehicle and driving yourself to the Mall you want to visit, while DILD, is like being the sleeping passenger in the car, hoping to wake up and find yourself at the mall ...

      ok ok.. so -so analogy
      Actually that's a great analogy!

    5. #5
      Lurker blue water's Avatar
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      When i did WILD it felt like my skin exploded but without hurting. Its aslo like taking a pill against pain, the nerves fall asleep and i can barely feel anything. very tingly, also there is carpet on my eyes and pictures project onto that carpet it seems.
      i stayed awake by imagining a yellow ball inside a hollow me.

    6. #6
      freefire FreeOne's Avatar
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      there's just one thing i feel i need to say. WILDs take time. You are trying to make your mind do something its never ever done before (on purpose). All the WILD tutorials make it look easy, but its not. even if you follow the tutorials exactly, you might not get WILD the first try, or the second, or even the third. Its like learning to ride a bike. You dont just hop on and know how to ride your first try. It takes time.

      This isnt to discourage you though. WILD is one of the most worth it techniques you can ever learn so just relax and learn from any mistakes you happen to make. You will get it eventually, and when you do, you will be glad you stuck with it!
      Total lucid dreams=88
      LD goal: Master WILD

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      ^that site is a great way to make extra cash.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      WILDs definitely seem like the most fun LDs to have. Just one question, though: Do night terrors regularly occur when one is WILDing, or are they like the regular ones?

    8. #8
      freefire FreeOne's Avatar
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      night terrors occur for some people when they WILD. I dont get them though.
      Total lucid dreams=88
      LD goal: Master WILD

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      ^that site is a great way to make extra cash.

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by blue water View Post
      When i did WILD it felt like my skin exploded but without hurting. Its aslo like taking a pill against pain, the nerves fall asleep and i can barely feel anything. very tingly, also there is carpet on my eyes and pictures project onto that carpet it seems.
      i stayed awake by imagining a yellow ball inside a hollow me.

      Hey again! First, the yellow ball part is interesting. I'm currently trying a WILD, and since it's Friday and I don't have school, I'm doing a WBTB. I went to sleep counting my breaths, and I think my body was somewhat numb, but I can't remember anything after, so I'm assuming I had one and can't remember it.

      I'll get back to you guys in the morning about if I had a WILD or not. See ya and have a nice dream!
      My 9 Songs:
      Stability Stirring Movement Roots
      StraightShot Byakugan Body Purge Concealing
      If this means anything to you, please PM me.

    10. #10
      River inbetween worlds Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by The 9 Songs View Post
      Hey again! First, the yellow ball part is interesting. I'm currently trying a WILD, and since it's Friday and I don't have school, I'm doing a WBTB. I went to sleep counting my breaths, and I think my body was somewhat numb, but I can't remember anything after, so I'm assuming I had one and can't remember it.

      I'll get back to you guys in the morning about if I had a WILD or not. See ya and have a nice dream!
      Side idea:
      From my point of view, it is better not to use your internal voice while practicing wild. When i used counting or another words, lots of parasite ideas approached. You should try to visualise, compose some music or feel your body so the internal senses {I would say dream senses} get activated. It is effective and your brain will not be disturbed with thoughts.

      I got over SP phase and HI phase using this, still I didnt achieve WILD, so dont take it as a reference, just as suggestion.

      Enjoy and experiment


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