Greetings DreamViews forums! Hopefully spending time here will help me achieve my goals of HAVING LUCID DREAMS! (yay, the crowd goes wild.)

Now for some background.
I have known about lucid dreams for maybe a year. It was just an interesting side note my brother told me about. Dreaming and knowing about it? Cool. I didn't investigate it much, though, until around September 2007. I read up about all the techniques, and dream recall, and the like. I even started keeping a dream journal. That's the whole story up until now.

So What Next?
What next? Yes, that is the question. Well, I think I am doing a pretty good job at my dream journal. But something keeps nagging me that I'm doing it wrong. I think I've gotten better at remembering my dreams, no doubt about that. But that's about it. I read stories of people after a few months just waking up after every REM cycle and writing down their dreams. I'm lucky to get a few in-depth dreams per week. Also, people write of having lucid dreams a few months after starting, even getting good at it. I'm beginning to think that I'm one of those unlucky below-average dreamers when it comes to these things. The tutorials make it sound easy. Oh, just Reality Check! Yea, like I ever remember to do that.

OK, What's Really Next
I remain optimistic. And that's not an unreasonable choice, because I think I have made progress. I have gotten close to realizing I'm dreaming. In fact, I bet that if I were an experienced dreamer I would have noticed the fact that things were awry. Hopefully in the future I will become good at Lucid Dreaming.

So, What Am I, The Reader Of This Biography, To Do?
Well, If you've made it this far on my LD Life Story, Congratulations! Please post your comments! They will be well appreciated. If your LD Life Story is similar to mine, post what helped you learn to lucid dream! But, please don't post things like guides to DILDing, or WILDing, or things like that, because I'm aware of all the techniques, and I know where to find their respective guides. If you have something that you think will be helpful to me, then post away! As I said before, your comments are much appreciated.

And Now, Everyone Can For The First Time Enjoy My Carefully Chosen John Lennon Quote Signature and My Icosidodecahedron Avatar
Thanks again for reading, and I hope I have a great time here at DreamViews forums!