Hey, I'm new to this forum and the term lucid dreaming. Though I've had lucid dreams when I was younger, I never thought them to be out of the ordinary or rare, as I used to have them all the time. Unfortunately, I haven't had any lucid dreams since I was around the age of 10 or so and at that age didn't know the possibilities, besides flying of course. So anyway, I have a question which may prove to be stupid, but I haven't heard anyone talk about this so I thought I'd give it a go. When I first heard about REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, it reminded me of something that I've been able to do my whole life and have only known 3 other people that can do it (2 of which are in my immediate family), which is the ability to vibrate the eyes at a fast speed. When I do it, I don't simply move my eyes back and forth at a fast speed, I relax my eyes and focus them on nothing and then just vibrate them if that makes any sense. Whenever I do it, people comment on how strange it is and that they've never seen anyone do it before, but I'm not sure if a lot of people can do it and simply don't do it often or around other people, or if it is a rare thing to do. Anyway, I'm just wondering if this is the same Rapid Eye Movement that is used during sleep and if anyone else can do it.