Blah, here's a quick newb introduction I guess. Looks like there are a lot of interesting threads here so I look forward to reading other people's experiences.

To start, I had a fantastic dream last night. I spent the first part of what I remember regaining the ability to fly and move things with my mind. I had to go sit down up against a wall and center/focus myself into breaking free of the idea that I couldn't.
After centering myself I go and fly in to a room on the 2nd floor which had a ledge protruding out of the window about 6-8 feet. At the end of the ledge a statuesque hand was there and I grabbed on to it which gave me enough additional focus to enable me to fly with even less "effort". I was flying around the room with 2 people in it that I do not recognize that are also aware of my abilities and it did not strike them as odd. I tested my telekinetic ability by moving a small rock that was on a table. Had powerful results just lacked control. I knew that if had I spent more time I could have refined my control over both flying and moving objects. But it was time to move on.

The dream transformed, without my input, in to me being with my adopted mom supposedly going on a vacation. The setting is a city along the coast with almost no beach. Waves are cresting about 15-20 feet and washing up on the roads where I am walking with buildings even closer to the waves than where i am standing. As the waves come up the water is about knee high. I firmly planted my feet every time the water would reach me to keep from getting swept out. I felt almost perfectly stable even though the waves were pretty intimidating to many. In between waves I make progress to the building we must be staying at. The building is a bit of a run down hotel. One of my cousins is inside and initiates a conversation on what I think about the idea of us being together. I let her know what I think that would involve on both of our parts. I am aware of the fact that I would be deviating from the things I need to be doing to move forward with my relationship with the person that I am severely attached to IRL, but she was nowhere in the dream. We spent about 15-20 minutes in dream having a discussion and as typical, I was able to communicate with her in the same way I would IRL in such a situation. She later had a realization that it probably wasn't what she wanted. Fine by me. There was, not unusually, a little "fun" in the mean time while we were talking.

The next phase involved me and some more-or-less friends walk around the city while a couple of them were in search of a job. Apparently they were applying at a gas station and there was a discussion about the point of sale software. Nothing really significant or exciting happened during this time and I was close to needing to wake up anyway.

Dreaming for me is effectively a hobby. My dreams are frequent, vivid, and almost always involve lucidity. The best part of it all has to be the fact that I don't feel like I'm in a dream state. The level of immersion is probably way above what most people feel. There's almost no visual fuzz and I can choose to feel physical pain if I want but of course, who does that? Heh. My dream mind is almost 1-to-1 with my conscious mind so that helps with my overall satisfaction and enjoyment of my dream states.
Of course it wasn't always like this but I can't really define when I effectively became the master of my dreams. But there were a lot of nightmares involving paralysis, tornadoes, inability to escape situations I didn't want to be in, etc. But that was all when I was younger. Nightmares are effectively non-existent any more. I also find that I have a very easy time slipping back in to dreams I've woke up from. It usually requires a little "calibration" once I'm back in but I can have a consistent dream broken up across 4-6 iterations of hitting the snooze button my alarm.

So that's sort of a rundown about my typical dreaming experiences. I've been lucid dreaming for about 5 or 6 years and I'm 23. I hope I never lose it! Heh.