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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      Northern Ireland

      First Exp. of LD.. and Most Recent LD!

      Hi guys, i'm new to the forum!

      But i'm not new to lucid dreaming (although, not massively experienced lol)

      I had my first (what i now know is called) lucid dream when i was about 14 years old, although it lasted at the most about 5/6 minutes

      It began with me meeting up with friends before school.

      As i chatted and bantered with my friends, i noticed that one of my pals entire figure had distorted! He had turned into Joey Ramone (i was big into punk rock at the time lol). Although, at the time, this did not leave me questioning my surroundings, even though that mas a major dreamsign.

      I continued on towards school, signing in at the desk (which i didn't do in RL), and headed onto the escalator (which doesn't exist in RL).

      As i travelled towards the top, on the adjescent side people were coming down, i quite rudely stared at them, studying them almost.. as i did this i began to notice that their faces were peeling, almost zombie like.

      Needless to say, this scared the absoloute CRAP out of me lol, but fear was quickly replaced with the sudden realisation that 'this doesn't happen in real life'.

      Instantly, the zombie like figures seemed unintimidating, and i quickly forgot about them as i raced towards the top of the escalator and approached my sister, who was sitting at a table in a food court (the scene was now situated in a shopping centre/mall).

      I told her that this was a dream, to snap out of it and come with me and explore. She waved my suggestion off as ridiculous and continued chatting with her friends.

      I decided that, it doesn't matter what she thinks, i *KNOW* this is a dream.. i looked towards the end of the shopping centre and decided, that was my destination.. as i walked towards it, the entire end of the shopping centre was black.. absoloute darkness.. it didn't scare me, but it did kill my desire to explore.. i re-joined my sister and quickly lost my lucidity, falling back into a normal dream.

      That was the most experience i had really had with lucid dreaming, that is, until 2 days ago!

      I've been reading up on lucid dreaming recently, over the last 2-3 months (my friends always thought that i was making it up when i tried to explain or discuss what had happened before), and i had very little success, maybe gaining 20 second glimpses of lucidity.. before it was snatched away by my subconcious again.

      But as i said, two days ago i struck gold!

      This was my first experience of a long LD, lasting up to 50-60 mins in dream time.

      My lucidity began at on the 'next chapter' of a dream i had already begun during the night.

      This 'chapter', required me to be 4 years in the past.

      4 years in the past?! I have NOT discovered time travel in RL.. for the last two weeks i have been off work and i have lazed about as much as possible, i haven't had time to discover the end of my bed, never mind time travel!! lol

      So obviously, this was a MAJOR dreamsign.. instantly, i recognised this.. i didn't even have to do a reality check!

      I ran to the mirror, and my hair was soooo long, and darker and blacker than real life, my eyes were so deep.. a complete gothic parody of myself.

      (in previous dreams, mirrors have not been a major theme for me, i was always curious about the distortion that people talked about when faced with a mirror)

      I ran to the sitting room (lounge?), and tried to convince my girlfriend, that i had achieved conciousness in the dreamstate.. she was quite uninterested!

      But i didn't let this deter me, i ran to the mirror again, and this time my head was shaved, and i had stubble on my face.. as i stared harder, i noticed the pores of my skin, every single hair in the stubble, even though i was not standing that close to the mirror at all!

      I ran to the street, completly aware that i was in the dream world.. even though i was lucid, my situation was still 4 years in the past.. but this was excellent, i stopped cars in the main street were i live.. and in the cars were people i hadnt spoken to for years, old friends, friends parents etc.

      It was so enthralling.. i visited old haunts that i used to go to, i spoke to old friends, i saw buildings that aren't even there in RL anymore!

      I was so excited to be speaking to people from my past, even though i knew it was just within my dreaming subconcious.. i think i actually spoke over them, as i was so excited.. i remember saying to a particular friends parent, 'I actually love you! You are the best person ever! I have to go.. OMG, you are great!' lol

      I ended up in the 'old' Tesco's (the 'new' Tescos in RL is situated on the other side of town) and i just ran with trolleys.. jumping on them as soon as i picked up speed, and steering them round aisles (although the majority was through aisles actually lol)

      I was yelling "MOOOOVE! MOOOOVE!", and people would step out of the way, as though it was ordinary for me to be racing up and down the aisles on a trolley.. and to be honest, they were actually quite polite in doing so!

      Anyways, i ended up at my 'house' in the dream, it was really just an old cottage on the main street in this LD, and i spoke again to my girlfriend, in vain, trying to convince her to wake up and that she is actually sleeping beside me in RL, she once again paid little attention, going on to speak about getting dinner, and further plans for the evening.. as she spoke i began to feel myself losing lucidity.

      I instantly, ran in circles on the spot, not quite spinning.. actually running, the ground became concave and i ran in circles (almost like the cyclists in the olympics going round that kinda hoop track).

      I stopped as sudden as i could, gaining lucidity again.

      My girlfriend finally realised something wasn't right.. she said, 'errr, that was weird..', i immediatly quizzed her on what she meant was weird, she explained that as i ran in circles, the entire 'world' shook, not like an earthquake, not violently, but intensely!

      This excited me so much, i felt my lucidity goin up a notch almost, with the realisation, that yeah the world shook, because it's my imagination, i was running in circles, and the world was blurry to me, so obviously it was to those within my own imagination.

      Just as i felt this increase in lucidity, i was sucked out of the dream world completly.. In RL, my friend was calling my phone, and it shook me out of my dream and into the concious awake world lol.

      Might not sound that interesting, but i can tell you, that was IMMENSE!

      peace xo
      Last edited by translucid; 08-25-2008 at 02:52 AM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      Northern Ireland
      sorry, maybe this isn't the right place for this thread?

    3. #3
      Member Mauricio's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      Mexico city/ toulouse france
      Welcome to the forum!
      Haha that sounds like a really fun dream, I didnt know you could go back in time in LD, maybe I'll try it next time I gain lucidity
      WBTB+DEILD: 10
      DILD : 3
      WILD : 1

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      Northern Ireland
      i didn't make myself go back in time, i was already 4 years in the past before i gained lucidity, i just continued in that 'world' after i gained conciousness.

      it was fun


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